Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Twisted Metal Tour 2019: 34-36 Dover Jump

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Wow, that was a truly amazing set of races.  The last regular season Wild Card took place between Egg Sandywiches and Man Chest Hair United.  A decisive battle that could give one team a boost or cut the other one nearly out of the championship contention completely.

Race 1:

All the humans managed to somehow get through the fray that unfolded on the backstretch of lap one.

Gut Slab had an early lead after powering his way through the opening wrecks.

But he would end up stuck in the fence with his ninja buddy, Egg.  Still, he went on to grab a 6th.

Zack and Jamie then took Know U straight to the top.

Then, on the last lap, after clearing a tight spot between Egg and the Ducks...

Webster was swiped by the Game Cocks, giving Jamie the win.  Despite the late slip, Know U bagged major points.  Tnadz pulled home a 3rd with teammate, Mad Max, down outside the top 10.  No awards given for either Wild Card team.  A tie into Race 2.

Race 2:

The backstabbing started early as Webster ran Egg around in circles where he was tapped and tagged by the Longhorns, setting Egg up for a furious run to the front.

Dreams were shattered very early for the 56 as Mad Max was taken out before completing a lap.

But his race was far from over as his smolder hulk sat across the road and caught out Webster who was trailing his teammate up the field.

The Auburn car would eventually take too much damage and be DQed but not before being part of a wreck that nearly took out Darrel.  He showed quick reflexes and threw himself into the wall to avoid the mess and eventually take the lead.

Tnadz was drilled by the Cowboys coming into turn 1, sending him hard into the Dolphins.

And with a ruined race, he rolled down the hill, right into the side of Hamilton.

Though not dead, he was slowed enough that the Bear came by to steal his lead and wipe him up into the wall like a bothersome booger.

With a less damaged car and calling for armistice, Zolecki plucked away the lead to take yet another win for Know U.  However, The Bear would get the Hard Charger, scoring the lone award so far for either Wild Card team.

Race 3:
Final race and laps reduced from 35 to 20 to now 15.  Damage on high.  And the opener is a parking lot.

Humans had to stop which made Tnadz a prime target for the Egg who sent him to the back.

Scot wrecked himself off of the turn 3 jump and rolled.

While dead, he scared Sandy up the track, causing him to lose some spots, but without too much damage.

Sandy then had another close call as Hamilton lost it coming off the front stretch jump.

The Egg had a similar event some laps later.

But with his busted ride, he ended it all into a pack of cars that included the leader, Zolecki.

Jamie then bounce up the track just enough to catch the front end of his teammate, Zack, killing almost all hope for a win.

The Boilermakers, a Know U teammate, was leading when Tnadz ran them into the wall, dead.

Engulfed with the flames of vengeance for this and Indy Wave, Webster used his last act to take down Tnadz.

Tnadz had a massive roll (and a radical grind on pit road) but somehow barely clung to life.

While his chances of winning were reduced to nill, he helped his crippled teammate across the line for a point and an award (although if he or his teammate, Sandford finished, they would get the Diehard).  But would it be enough?

It turns out, no.  The Bear, with an amazing and desperate last lap pass on the Crimson Tide, took the win and scored a second award for the Hard Charger.  The 12 points put them solidly into 3rd in the standings.

To celebrate, he killed the Tide.

With Know U's massive points haul of 37 and Man Chest Hair United losing 12 and missing the boat on major points gains, the gap between 1st and 2nd was reduced to under 30 points.  Suddenly, the championship is back in play between the top 2.  But realistically, it's still anyone's cup to win as the X Factor is always looming and there is still the final Wild Card to account for.

Next, it's a wild card of a race at Mission Demo 8

Race 1


Date: 02/05/20

Session: Practice

142J Zolecki18.124
219Z Webster18.346
363T Bear18.699
486T Nadz18.804
539D Hamilton18.868
610B Bills18.919
758P Steelers19.113
817S Cardinal19.127
980D Lions19.216
1047F Gators19.218
1130P Boilermakers19.253
1231O Buckeyes19.349
1388N Saints19.379
1413M Dolphins19.383
1570P Nittany Lions19.384
168O Sooners19.388
1734N Giants19.409
1856M Max19.416
1950B Bears19.442
2035U Bruins19.457
2125I Hoosiers19.482
2261A Crimson Tide19.650
2326I Hawkeyes19.684
2490S Gamecocks19.722
2573T Buccaneers19.723
2698N Jets19.762
2744N Fighting Irish19.764
2815U Knights19.778
2952T Titans19.819
3045H Texans19.864
319C Tigers19.923
3295A Falcons19.929
3322T Egg19.930
3423C Panthers19.938
3514U Hurricanes19.959
3655G Slab20.006
3727O Ducks20.112
3899D Cowboys20.155
3918O Rebels20.199
4081F Seminoles20.311
416V Wildcats20.514
4211T Longhorns20.682
431T Aggies20.823

Weather: Clear, -195 °F, South 22 mph

Session: Qualifying

117S Cardinal--
213M Dolphins--
381F Seminoles--
452T Titans--
525I Hoosiers--
627O Ducks--
718O Rebels--
815U Knights--
998N Jets--
1047F Gators--
1199D Cowboys--
1290S Gamecocks--
1373T Buccaneers--
1423C Panthers--
1511T Longhorns--
1644N Fighting Irish--
1750B Bears--
1830P Boilermakers--
198O Sooners--
2045H Texans--
2158P Steelers--
2214U Hurricanes--
2388N Saints--
241T Aggies--
2510B Bills--
2695A Falcons--
2731O Buckeyes--
2826I Hawkeyes--
2935U Bruins--
309C Tigers--
3134N Giants--
3270P Nittany Lions--
336V Wildcats--
3480D Lions--
3561A Crimson Tide--
3642J Zolecki--
3719Z Webster--
3839D Hamilton--
3986T Nadz--
4056M Max--
4122T Egg--
4263T Bear--
4355G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13642J Zolecki164.8163513*185Running
23719Z Webster-11.91359175Running
33986T Nadz-5L300165Running
41750B Bears-5L302165Running
53134N Giants-6L290155Running
64355G Slab-7L289155Running
7815U Knights-7L280146Running
82731O Buckeyes-7L280142Running
92935U Bruins-7L280138Running
103480D Lions-7L280134Running
11627O Ducks-8L270130Running
123839D Hamilton-8L270127Running
134056M Max-10L250124Running
14381F Seminoles-10L250121Running
15241T Aggies-10L250118Running
16525I Hoosiers-10L250115Running
171644N Fighting Irish-10L250112Running
182045H Texans-11L240109Running
192214U Hurricanes-11L240106Running
20336V Wildcats-11L240103Running
21117S Cardinal-11L242105Running
22198O Sooners-11L24097Running
23718O Rebels-11L24094Running
241423C Panthers-11L24091Running
252388N Saints-12L23088Running
26452T Titans-12L23085Running
273561A Crimson Tide-12L23082Running
28309C Tigers-12L23079Running
292826I Hawkeyes-12L23076Running
303270P Nittany Lions-13L22073Running
311830P Boilermakers-13L22070Running
321199D Cowboys-14L21067Running
332510B Bills-14L21064Running
342158P Steelers-15L20061Running
351511T Longhorns-16L19058Running
36998N Jets-17L18055Running
374122T Egg-17L18052Running
382695A Falcons-18L17049Running
39213M Dolphins-18L17046Running
401373T Buccaneers-20L15043Running
414263T Bear-21L14040Running
421290S Gamecocks-21L14037Running
431047F Gators-23L12034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 9 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, -189 °F, Northeast 15 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, -193 °F, Southwest 5 mph

Session: Qualifying

114U Hurricanes--
217S Cardinal--
331O Buckeyes--
495A Falcons--
59C Tigers--
610B Bills--
758P Steelers--
834N Giants--
952T Titans--
1088N Saints--
1115U Knights--
1281F Seminoles--
1380D Lions--
1450B Bears--
1523C Panthers--
1630P Boilermakers--
176V Wildcats--
1818O Rebels--
191T Aggies--
2045H Texans--
2127O Ducks--
2213M Dolphins--
2398N Jets--
2425I Hoosiers--
2535U Bruins--
2670P Nittany Lions--
2726I Hawkeyes--
2844N Fighting Irish--
2990S Gamecocks--
3011T Longhorns--
3199D Cowboys--
3261A Crimson Tide--
338O Sooners--
3473T Buccaneers--
3547F Gators--
3642J Zolecki--
3763T Bear--
3856M Max--
3939D Hamilton--
4022T Egg--
4186T Nadz--
4255G Slab--
4319Z Webster--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13642J Zolecki173.2462010*185Running
23763T Bear-12.77201175Running
33939D Hamilton-13.60204170Running
44022T Egg-3L170160Running
52670P Nittany Lions-4L160155Running
64255G Slab-7L130150Running
72425I Hoosiers-7L130146Running
81088N Saints-7L130142Running
92045H Texans-8L120138Running
102398N Jets-8L120134Running
113547F Gators-8L120130Running
122844N Fighting Irish-9L110127Retired
132535U Bruins-9L110124Running
141630P Boilermakers-10L100121Clutch
154319Z Webster-12L80118DQ
162726I Hawkeyes-12L80115Running
1759C Tigers-13L70112Accident
182990S Gamecocks-14L60109Accident
19758P Steelers-15L55111Retired
20114U Hurricanes-15L50103Accident
212213M Dolphins-15L50100Accident
224186T Nadz-15L5097Accident
233199D Cowboys-15L5094Accident
24217S Cardinal-16L4091Running
251380D Lions-16L4088Accident
261115U Knights-16L4085Accident
273261A Crimson Tide-17L3082Accident
28191T Aggies-17L3079Accident
29338O Sooners-17L3076Accident
30495A Falcons-17L3073Accident
31331O Buckeyes-17L3070Accident
323011T Longhorns-17L3067Accident
332127O Ducks-18L2064Retired
341281F Seminoles-18L2061Retired
35834N Giants-18L2058Accident
361450B Bears-18L2055Accident
37176V Wildcats-18L2052Accident
381818O Rebels-18L2049Accident
393473T Buccaneers-19L1046Retired
401523C Panthers-19L1043Accident
41610B Bills-19L1040Retired
42952T Titans-19L1037Accident
433856M Max-19L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Clear, -191 °F, West 11 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


719Dropping FluidPit for repairs
919Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, -193 °F, South 13 mph

Session: Qualifying

161A Crimson Tide--
230P Boilermakers--
326I Hawkeyes--
455L Tigers--
523C Panthers--
690S Gamecocks--
718O Rebels--
81T Aggies--
99C Tigers--
1011T Longhorns--
1199D Cowboys--
1250B Bears--
1334N Giants--
1458P Steelers--
1514U Hurricanes--
1615U Knights--
1752T Titans--
1831O Buckeyes--
1988N Saints--
2047F Gators--
2144N Fighting Irish--
2273T Buccaneers--
2313M Dolphins--
2427O Ducks--
2510B Bills--
2698N Jets--
2795A Falcons--
2880D Lions--
2935U Bruins--
308O Sooners--
3125I Hoosiers--
3270P Nittany Lions--
3381F Seminoles--
3445H Texans--
356V Wildcats--
3617S Cardinal--
3719Z Webster--
3863T Bear--
3986T Nadz--
4056M Max--
4122T Egg--
4242J Zolecki--
4339D Hamilton--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13863T Bear167.996151180Running
2161A Crimson Tide-0.24158*180Running
31615U Knights-9.67150165Running
41752T Titans-20.89150160Running
53986T Nadz-3L120155Running
63617S Cardinal-5L100150Running
73719Z Webster-6L90146Accident
8230P Boilermakers-6L96147No Fuel
94242J Zolecki-9L60138Accident
104122T Egg-10L50134Accident
114339D Hamilton-12L30130Accident
122144N Fighting Irish-12L30127Accident
13718O Rebels-12L30124Accident
141514U Hurricanes-12L30121Accident
152795A Falcons-13L20118Accident
1699C Tigers-13L20115Accident
172273T Buccaneers-13L20112Accident
18356V Wildcats-13L20109Accident
194056M Max-13L20106Running
202510B Bills-14L10103Accident
212313M Dolphins-14L10100Accident
221334N Giants-14L1097Accident
231199D Cowboys-14L1094Accident
241831O Buckeyes-14L1091Accident
252047F Gators-14L1088Accident
261458P Steelers-14L1085Accident
271250B Bears-14L1082Accident
281011T Longhorns-14L1079Accident
291988N Saints-14L1076Accident
30455L Tigers-14L1073Accident
3181T Aggies-14L1070Accident
32523C Panthers-14L1067Accident
33690S Gamecocks-14L1064Accident
34326I Hawkeyes-14L1061Accident
353270P Nittany Lions-14L1058Retired
362427O Ducks-15L0055Accident
372698N Jets-15L0052Accident
382880D Lions-15L0049Accident
392935U Bruins-15L0046Accident
40308O Sooners-15L0043Accident
413125I Hoosiers-15L0040Accident
423445H Texans-15L0037Accident
433381F Seminoles-15L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, -189 °F, Northeast 21 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


919Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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