Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Twisted Metal Tour 2019: 37-39 Mission Demo 8

Live Stream:

Another trip to Mission Demo 8 and not much in the way of specific reporting.

Race 1:  Webster made the biggest gains throughout the race, despite his several trips to pit road (8+).  Notre Dame circled the top spots for a while, even after being rolled by Tnadz who was floating at the back of the grid with several humans.  Scot would have been one of them had he not blown his engine 6 laps in...

Eventually OSU took the win.

Race 2:  With damage, things got rocky from the get go.  Tnadz was dead early with Bear not far ahead.  There was a breakaway race for the top 3 spots between human AI teammates with The Ducks eventually taking victory over the Saints.  The Egg made impressive work of several other team cars while claiming a top spot for himself.

Race 3:  Surprisingly few fatalities from the start, though it didn't take long for numbers to drop.  A little past half way and Tnadz took the lead.  Things were going well when suddenly, The Egg went into full on attack mode.  The two tussled passed the start finish line but Tnadz was able to break away from assault and go on for the win.  Most of the humans were able to stay in it to the end for some high finishes.

On to the penultimate round at 6 Feet Under where laps can be single digit times and the destruction is bigger than the track.

Race 1

Track: Mission Demolition Derby RACEWAY

Date: 02/12/20

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 84 °F, South 17 mph

Session: Qualifying

134N Giants--
244N Fighting Irish--
38O Sooners--
473T Buccaneers--
535U Bruins--
690S Gamecocks--
788N Saints--
850B Bears--
925I Hoosiers--
1045H Texans--
1195A Falcons--
1211T Longhorns--
1326I Hawkeyes--
1415U Knights--
1599D Cowboys--
1614U Hurricanes--
1731O Buckeyes--
1852T Titans--
1930P Boilermakers--
209C Tigers--
2118O Rebels--
2281F Seminoles--
2355L Tigers--
2470P Nittany Lions--
2558P Steelers--
2639G Bulldogs--
2717S Cardinal--
2823C Panthers--
296V Wildcats--
3010B Bills--
3161A Crimson Tide--
321T Aggies--
3380D Lions--
3498N Jets--
3527O Ducks--
3613M Dolphins--
3763T Bear--
3856M Max--
3947G Slab--
4022T Egg--
4119Z Webster--
4242J Zolecki--
4386T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


11731O Buckeyes153.5703511*185Running
2134N Giants-2.42350170Running
32355L Tigers-3.60357170Running
44022T Egg-4.74350160Running
53010B Bills-24.61354160Running
6209C Tigers-30.66350150Running
71045H Texans-1L340146Running
83498N Jets-1L340142Running
94119Z Webster-1L340138Running
102281F Seminoles-1L343139Running
11788N Saints-2L330130Running
122558P Steelers-2L330127Running
132823C Panthers-2L330124Running
14244N Fighting Irish-2L331126Running
152470P Nittany Lions-2L331123Running
161599D Cowboys-2L330115Running
17473T Buccaneers-2L330112Running
183613M Dolphins-2L330109Running
192639G Bulldogs-2L330106Running
20690S Gamecocks-2L330103Running
2138O Sooners-3L324105Running
22321T Aggies-4L31097Running
23925I Hoosiers-4L31094Running
241930P Boilermakers-4L31091Running
251852T Titans-4L31088Running
26850B Bears-4L31085Running
271195A Falcons-4L31187Running
28535U Bruins-5L30184Running
291211T Longhorns-5L30076Running
301614U Hurricanes-6L29073Running
312118O Rebels-6L29070Running
323161A Crimson Tide-6L29067Running
333380D Lions-7L28064Running
341415U Knights-7L28061Running
354242J Zolecki-8L27058Running
364386T Nadz-9L26055Running
373527O Ducks-9L26052Running
382717S Cardinal-10L25049Running
391326I Hawkeyes-14L21251Ignition
40296V Wildcats-17L18043DQ
413947G Slab-21L14040Retired
423856M Max-30L5037Valve
433763T Bear-31L4034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 13 (10 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 91 °F, Northwest 7 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%



Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 79 °F, South 16 mph

Session: Qualifying

115U Knights--
298N Jets--
318O Rebels--
458P Steelers--
514U Hurricanes--
613M Dolphins--
735U Bruins--
852T Titans--
950B Bears--
1099D Cowboys--
1180D Lions--
1281F Seminoles--
1339G Bulldogs--
1431O Buckeyes--
159C Tigers--
166V Wildcats--
1788N Saints--
1834N Giants--
1970P Nittany Lions--
201T Aggies--
2144N Fighting Irish--
2273T Buccaneers--
2395A Falcons--
2417S Cardinal--
2525I Hoosiers--
268O Sooners--
2747F Gators--
2890S Gamecocks--
2923C Panthers--
3045H Texans--
3155L Tigers--
3210B Bills--
3361A Crimson Tide--
3430P Boilermakers--
3526I Hawkeyes--
3611T Longhorns--
3727O Ducks--
3819Z Webster--
3963T Bear--
4042J Zolecki--
4122T Egg--
4286T Nadz--
4356M Max--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13727O Ducks172.498257180Running
21788N Saints-1.14258*180Running
3268O Sooners-3.20250165Running
43819Z Webster-10.61250160Running
54356M Max-30.77250155Running
63210B Bills-2L230150Accident
71180D Lions-2L230146Running
8458P Steelers-3L222147Running
93361A Crimson Tide-3L220138Accident
102923C Panthers-3L220134Running
11166V Wildcats-5L200130Running
122395A Falcons-5L200127Retired
134122T Egg-5L200124Running
143526I Hawkeyes-15L102126Accident
15159C Tigers-15L100118Accident
161970P Nittany Lions-16L90115Accident
173045H Texans-17L80112Accident
18950B Bears-17L80109Accident
19852T Titans-18L72111Accident
203611T Longhorns-19L60103Accident
212417S Cardinal-19L60100Accident
221431O Buckeyes-19L6097Accident
23201T Aggies-19L6094Accident
241834N Giants-19L6091Accident
25613M Dolphins-19L6393Accident
263155L Tigers-20L5085Accident
27735U Bruins-20L5082Accident
283430P Boilermakers-21L4079Piston
292273T Buccaneers-21L4076Accident
30514U Hurricanes-21L4073Accident
312525I Hoosiers-22L3070Accident
321339G Bulldogs-22L3067Accident
334042J Zolecki-22L3064Accident
34115U Knights-22L3166Accident
35318O Rebels-22L3058Accident
361099D Cowboys-23L2055Accident
371281F Seminoles-23L2052Accident
382144N Fighting Irish-23L2049Accident
392890S Gamecocks-24L1046Accident
402747F Gators-24L1043Accident
413963T Bear-24L1040Accident
42298N Jets-24L1037Accident
434286T Nadz-25L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (7 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 72 °F, South 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%



Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 84 °F, Southeast 3 mph

Session: Qualifying

19C Tigers--
217S Cardinal--
310B Bills--
46V Wildcats--
599D Cowboys--
681F Seminoles--
715U Knights--
888N Saints--
970P Nittany Lions--
1044N Fighting Irish--
1114U Hurricanes--
1252T Titans--
1350B Bears--
1480D Lions--
1539G Bulldogs--
1673T Buccaneers--
178O Sooners--
1826I Hawkeyes--
191T Aggies--
2018O Rebels--
2134N Giants--
2225I Hoosiers--
2358P Steelers--
2461A Crimson Tide--
2513M Dolphins--
2695A Falcons--
2731O Buckeyes--
2890S Gamecocks--
2927O Ducks--
3055L Tigers--
3111T Longhorns--
3245H Texans--
3398N Jets--
3430P Boilermakers--
3535U Bruins--
3623C Panthers--
3722T Egg--
3847G Slab--
3986T Nadz--
4019Z Webster--
4142J Zolecki--
4256M Max--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13986T Nadz168.898155*185Running
2970P Nittany Lions-12.85150170Running
31539G Bulldogs-15.16150165Running
42927O Ducks-32.16150160Running
5681F Seminoles-1L140155Running
63245H Texans-1L140150Running
73722T Egg-2L130146Running
81826I Hawkeyes-2L130142Accident
94256M Max-3L120138Running
103847G Slab-3L120134Running
114142J Zolecki-3L120130Running
121252T Titans-4L114132Accident
133398N Jets-5L100124Accident
141480D Lions-5L103126Accident
152225I Hoosiers-7L80118Accident
16888N Saints-11L40115Accident
173535U Bruins-11L40112Accident
181044N Fighting Irish-11L42114Accident
19599D Cowboys-11L40106Accident
20310B Bills-11L40103Accident
212461A Crimson Tide-12L30100Accident
223111T Longhorns-12L3097Accident
232358P Steelers-12L3094Accident
242018O Rebels-12L3091Retired
254363T Bear-12L3088Valve
2646V Wildcats-12L3085Accident
27217S Cardinal-12L3082Accident
2819C Tigers-12L3184Accident
291350B Bears-12L3076Accident
30178O Sooners-12L3073Accident
313430P Boilermakers-13L2070Accident
322731O Buckeyes-13L2067Accident
331673T Buccaneers-13L2064Accident
34191T Aggies-13L2061Accident
354019Z Webster-14L1058Accident
362890S Gamecocks-14L1055Accident
372695A Falcons-14L1052Accident
383055L Tigers-14L1049Accident
391114U Hurricanes-14L1046Accident
402134N Giants-14L1043Accident
41715U Knights-14L1040Accident
422513M Dolphins-15L0037Accident
433623C Panthers-15L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 91 °F, Southwest 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


463Dropping FluidPit for repairs
463Smoking EnginePit for repairs
1356Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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