Friday, February 28, 2020

Twisted Metal Tour 2019: 43-45 Destruction Arena

The final chapter of the series closes on the biggest and most violent track available.  With Man Chest Hair United well in front after a failed attempt to push the X Factor to first at 6 Feet Under, it would take a complete loss in the 1vAll Wild Card or an unlikely X Factor win for another team to have a chance at the title.

Race 1:
While ManCHU got blasted, even having a certain member lose an engine with no damage ....But Tnadz mustered skill and luck in equal parts (roughly) and managed to keep things mostly straight and steady to pull off a win, nearly sealing the championship.

Race 2:
While Man Chest Hair got rocked in the second run, Zolecki was on point to take a win and possibly claw back points for the team, taking the fight to the last race.  But The Egg brought disaster at the very last lap, allowing the Cowboys to win.

Race 3:
Zolecki started off strong in Race 3, shooting a gap with vigor.  But like so many other cars and humans life was short lived for the last loops.

The Bear lingered and went for a personal score against Dick Trickle's Strip Club.  The 'Tide was running first when he tried to take them out.  But was unsuccessful and immediately DQed for smoking.  And it was sadly enough to earn them more points to make 3rd.  Well, they didn't lose as many points.  Know U and Egg Sandywiches both got sacked for 12 points each which went to ManCHU for a resounding series win.  But it was never completely sure and many times came very close to tumbling like a house of cards.

Well done to all the teams.

Next series is Super Speedway Series.

Race 1

Track: Destruction Arena Superspeedway

Date: 02/26/20

Session: Practice

142J Zolecki31.662
263T Bear32.099
355L Tigers32.143
439D Hamilton32.217
544N Fighting Irish32.486
622T Egg32.574
710B Bills32.644
817S Cardinal32.932
961A Crimson Tide32.934
108O Sooners33.153
1115U Knights33.335
1299D Cowboys33.399
1398N Jets33.467
1427O Ducks33.517
159C Tigers33.522
1631O Buckeyes33.709
1714U Hurricanes34.022
1825I Hoosiers34.124
1952T Titans34.126
2056M Max34.558
2158P Steelers34.789
2245H Texans35.299
2381F Seminoles35.310
2495A Falcons35.937
2570P Nittany Lions36.080
261T Aggies36.711
276V Wildcats37.019
2813M Dolphins37.224
2926I Hawkeyes37.720
3030P Boilermakers37.792
3186T Nadz38.381
3290G Slab39.286
3319A Tigers42.002
3447F Gators42.333
3518O Rebels43.605
3680D Lions45.292
3735U Bruins46.974
3850B Bears53.508

Weather: Cloudy, 97 °F, Northwest 23 mph

Session: Qualifying

161A Crimson Tide--
280D Lions--
38O Sooners--
423C Panthers--
527O Ducks--
698N Jets--
752T Titans--
813M Dolphins--
926I Hawkeyes--
1034N Giants--
1115U Knights--
1245H Texans--
1310B Bills--
1455L Tigers--
1518O Rebels--
169C Tigers--
1795A Falcons--
1814U Hurricanes--
1970P Nittany Lions--
2050B Bears--
2147F Gators--
2225I Hoosiers--
2311T Longhorns--
2419A Tigers--
2544N Fighting Irish--
261T Aggies--
2730P Boilermakers--
2858P Steelers--
2917S Cardinal--
3099D Cowboys--
3135U Bruins--
3231O Buckeyes--
336V Wildcats--
3481F Seminoles--
3588N Saints--
3673T Buccaneers--
3722T Egg--
3890G Slab--
3939D Hamilton--
4056M Max--
4142J Zolecki--
4263T Bear--
4386T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14386T Nadz160.2014024*185Running
2280D Lions-2L380170Running
31310B Bills-4L360165Retired
42730P Boilermakers-4L360160Running
51034N Giants-5L3513160Retired
62147F Gators-5L350150Running
71970P Nittany Lions-5L350146Running
8423C Panthers-6L340142Running
94142J Zolecki-6L340138Running
103135U Bruins-6L340134Running
112225I Hoosiers-6L340130Running
12527O Ducks-7L330127Running
133939D Hamilton-7L330124Running
142419A Tigers-7L330121Running
15336V Wildcats-7L330118Running
16813M Dolphins-7L330115Running
171245H Texans-7L330112Running
18926I Hawkeyes-8L320109Running
193673T Buccaneers-8L320106Running
202311T Longhorns-8L320103Running
211455L Tigers-8L320100Running
22752T Titans-8L32097Running
23698N Jets-8L32094Running
242858P Steelers-9L31091Running
251115U Knights-9L31088Running
2638O Sooners-9L31085Running
271795A Falcons-9L31082Running
28161A Crimson Tide-10L30384Running
293588N Saints-11L29076Running
30261T Aggies-11L29073Running
311518O Rebels-12L28070Running
322050B Bears-12L28067Running
334263T Bear-12L28064Running
342917S Cardinal-13L27061Running
35169C Tigers-14L26058Retired
363481F Seminoles-16L24055Running
373099D Cowboys-16L24052Running
383231O Buckeyes-17L23049Running
392544N Fighting Irish-17L23046Running
403722T Egg-19L21043Retired
413890G Slab-20L20040Retired
421814U Hurricanes-21L19037Running
434056M Max-32L8034Engine

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 87 °F, Southeast 11 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


2222Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 75 °F, South 2 mph

Session: Qualifying

123C Panthers--
29C Tigers--
31T Aggies--
415U Knights--
513M Dolphins--
619A Tigers--
752T Titans--
825I Hoosiers--
958P Steelers--
1098N Jets--
1173T Buccaneers--
1270P Nittany Lions--
1355L Tigers--
1427O Ducks--
1531O Buckeyes--
1630P Boilermakers--
1726I Hawkeyes--
1880D Lions--
1934N Giants--
2044N Fighting Irish--
2147F Gators--
2217S Cardinal--
2318O Rebels--
2495A Falcons--
258O Sooners--
2661A Crimson Tide--
2799D Cowboys--
2835U Bruins--
296V Wildcats--
3011T Longhorns--
3188N Saints--
3281F Seminoles--
3310B Bills--
3450B Bears--
3545H Texans--
3614U Hurricanes--
3786T Nadz--
3863T Bear--
3939D Hamilton--
4090G Slab--
4142J Zolecki--
4256M Max--
4322T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


12799D Cowboys170.546201180Running
24142J Zolecki-11.502018*180Running
32661A Crimson Tide-20.51200165Running
42217S Cardinal-1L190160Running
52495A Falcons-2L180155Running
64322T Egg-3L170150DQ
72835U Bruins-3L170146Running
81270P Nittany Lions-4L160142Running
91630P Boilermakers-9L110138Accident
10513M Dolphins-10L100134Accident
111880D Lions-11L90130Retired
121355L Tigers-11L90127Accident
133939D Hamilton-12L80124Accident
141427O Ducks-14L60121Accident
152318O Rebels-14L60118Retired
163786T Nadz-15L50115Accident
174256M Max-16L40112Accident
1831T Aggies-16L40109Accident
192147F Gators-16L40106Accident
20752T Titans-16L40103Accident
211531O Buckeyes-17L30100Accident
221934N Giants-17L3097Accident
233863T Bear-17L3094Accident
244090G Slab-17L3091Accident
25958P Steelers-17L3088Accident
261098N Jets-17L3085Accident
27296V Wildcats-18L2082Accident
283614U Hurricanes-18L2079Retired
291726I Hawkeyes-18L2076Accident
30825I Hoosiers-18L2073Accident
3129C Tigers-18L2070Retired
32619A Tigers-18L2067Retired
333281F Seminoles-18L2064No Fuel
34123C Panthers-18L2061Accident
351173T Buccaneers-18L2058Accident
363450B Bears-19L1160Accident
373011T Longhorns-19L1052Accident
38415U Knights-19L1049Accident
392044N Fighting Irish-19L1046Accident
403310B Bills-20L0043Retired
413545H Texans-20L0040Accident
423188N Saints-20L0037Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 100 °F, East 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


490Smoking EnginePit for repairs
486Smoking EnginePit for repairs
1822Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended
490Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 87 °F, South 4 mph

Session: Qualifying

18O Sooners--
227O Ducks--
315U Knights--
414U Hurricanes--
561A Crimson Tide--
66V Wildcats--
773T Buccaneers--
880D Lions--
99C Tigers--
1013M Dolphins--
1111T Longhorns--
1252T Titans--
1310B Bills--
1450B Bears--
1590S Gamecocks--
1625I Hoosiers--
1718O Rebels--
1844N Fighting Irish--
1998N Jets--
2058P Steelers--
2181F Seminoles--
2255L Tigers--
2388N Saints--
2435U Bruins--
2599D Cowboys--
2695A Falcons--
2731O Buckeyes--
2817S Cardinal--
2934N Giants--
3023C Panthers--
3170P Nittany Lions--
3245H Texans--
331T Aggies--
3419A Tigers--
3547F Gators--
3630P Boilermakers--
3726I Hawkeyes--
3863T Bear--
3922T Egg--
4086T Nadz--
4156M Max--
4239D Hamilton--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1561A Crimson Tide179.2962015*185Running
218O Sooners-0.33205175Running
31590S Gamecocks-11.95200165Running
41111T Longhorns-13.05200160Running
51998N Jets-13.54200155Running
61625I Hoosiers-21.28200150Running
72058P Steelers-25.03200146Running
81310B Bills-1L190142Running
91252T Titans-4L160138Accident
101718O Rebels-6L140134Running
112435U Bruins-8L120130Accident
1266V Wildcats-11L90127Accident
133863T Bear-12L80124DQ
142181F Seminoles-14L60121Accident
15880D Lions-15L50118Ignition
163726I Hawkeyes-15L50115Accident
1799C Tigers-15L50112Accident
183547F Gators-16L40109Accident
191013M Dolphins-16L40106Retired
20414U Hurricanes-16L40103Accident
21315U Knights-16L40100Accident
222599D Cowboys-17L3097Accident
232388N Saints-17L3094Accident
242731O Buckeyes-17L3091Accident
252255L Tigers-17L3088Accident
26773T Buccaneers-17L3085Accident
271450B Bears-17L3082Accident
284342J Zolecki-18L2079Accident
29227O Ducks-18L2076Accident
304156M Max-18L2073Accident
312817S Cardinal-19L1070Accident
324086T Nadz-19L1067Accident
333922T Egg-19L1064Accident
341844N Fighting Irish-20L0061Accident
352934N Giants-20L0058Accident
363170P Nittany Lions-20L0055Accident
373023C Panthers-20L0052Accident
38331T Aggies-20L0049Retired
393245H Texans-20L0046Accident
403419A Tigers-20L0043Accident
414239D Hamilton-20L0040Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 94 °F, Southeast 13 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


563Smoking EnginePit for repairs
963Not honoring the black fDQ'd: Scoring is ended

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