Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Twisted Metal Tour 2019: 40-42 6 Feet Under

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Amazing set of races and nothing but total destruction for the less-than-half-miler.  Man Chest Hair United ruled the underworld and had another set of shutout victories for the team, OSU-OSU-Ducks.

Race 1:
A typical start with humans just sending it into turn one.  As expected, most finished in the back half of the field of the short, 20 lap race (on account of the server crashes from overwhelming wrecking).  

Race 2:
Around lap 20 or so, Zolecki tried doing a flip turn but ended up with a DQ instead.

The team took more hits as Purdue threw their ass out right in front of Zack who had been up at the front for at least a few laps in the second half of the race.

This was nearly the moment when The Bear changed the entire outcome of the championship.  With ManCHU in a solid first place points position, OSU was leading the way into the final laps with Notre Dame running 2nd and catching.  The Bear, badly damaged and off pace, threw everything he had at the Buckeyes to slow them down or take them out completely.  But, with only a handful of laps left, he wasn't able to seal the deal and the X Factor settled for second.

Race 3:
While the X Factor was out of contention in the final circuit of 40 laps, the finish was still exciting.  The Ducks, with victory well in hand, slammed the brakes on 2nd place, Egg, who had nowhere to go but straight into the back of them.  I guess with the lead a lap or so to the good, they wanted to show how obnoxious they could be.

But the slow down was all Webster needed to sling around the outside and snatch away 2nd place for Know U.

The final round awaits at the grand stage of Destruction Arena.  A special Wild Card race will take place:  Man Chest Hair United against all 3 of the human teams.  With plenty of points up for grabs, the teams have a chance to collectively destroy the 60 point lead.  And, while it's never likely, the X Factor is still a factor, all the way to the end.

Race 1

Track: 6 Feet Under Speed Dome

Date: 02/19/20

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 45 °F, South 1 mph

Session: Qualifying

195A Falcons--
218O Rebels--
31T Aggies--
431O Buckeyes--
525I Hoosiers--
614U Hurricanes--
715U Knights--
858P Steelers--
926I Hawkeyes--
1055L Tigers--
116V Wildcats--
1299D Cowboys--
1313M Dolphins--
1410B Bills--
1590S Gamecocks--
1627O Ducks--
1773T Buccaneers--
1811T Longhorns--
198O Sooners--
2052T Titans--
2170P Nittany Lions--
2234N Giants--
239C Tigers--
2444N Fighting Irish--
2545H Texans--
2688N Saints--
2717S Cardinal--
2898N Jets--
2930P Boilermakers--
3081F Seminoles--
3180D Lions--
3223C Panthers--
3361A Crimson Tide--
3450B Bears--
3535U Bruins--
3642J Zolecki--
3786T Nadz--
3856M Max--
3963T Bear--
4022T Egg--
4139D Hamilton--
4247G Slab--
4319Z Webster--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1431O Buckeyes131.9682014*185Running
2525I Hoosiers-7.58200170Running
3195A Falcons-1L196170Running
41055L Tigers-1L190160Running
53223C Panthers-1L190155Running
61590S Gamecocks-2L180150Running
73361A Crimson Tide-2L180146Running
82234N Giants-2L180142Running
9116V Wildcats-2L180138Running
101410B Bills-2L180134Running
112717S Cardinal-2L180130Running
122052T Titans-3L170127Running
131299D Cowboys-3L170124Running
14614U Hurricanes-3L170121Running
15715U Knights-3L170118Running
162444N Fighting Irish-4L160115Running
171811T Longhorns-5L150112Running
181627O Ducks-5L150109Running
193180D Lions-5L150106Running
20239C Tigers-5L150103Running
213450B Bears-5L150100Retired
223535U Bruins-5L15097Running
233856M Max-5L15094Running
244247G Slab-5L15091Running
252930P Boilermakers-5L15088Running
26218O Rebels-5L15085Running
274319Z Webster-5L15082Running
2831T Aggies-6L14079Running
293642J Zolecki-6L14076Running
30198O Sooners-6L14073Running
313081F Seminoles-6L14070Running
321773T Buccaneers-6L14067Running
332545H Texans-6L14064Running
342688N Saints-7L13061Running
353786T Nadz-7L13058Running
363963T Bear-8L12055Running
374139D Hamilton-9L11052Running
38926I Hawkeyes-9L11049Running
392170P Nittany Lions-9L11046Running
404022T Egg-11L9043Running
412898N Jets-11L9040Running
42858P Steelers-15L5037Running
431313M Dolphins-15L5034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 52 °F, Northeast 9 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%



Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 43 °F, Northwest 1 mph

Session: Qualifying

111T Longhorns--
295A Falcons--
314U Hurricanes--
430P Boilermakers--
558P Steelers--
670P Nittany Lions--
798N Jets--
827O Ducks--
931O Buckeyes--
1026I Hawkeyes--
1113M Dolphins--
1218O Rebels--
131T Aggies--
1415U Knights--
158O Sooners--
1634N Giants--
1780D Lions--
186V Wildcats--
1988N Saints--
2073T Buccaneers--
2152T Titans--
2210B Bills--
2323C Panthers--
2445H Texans--
2517S Cardinal--
2655L Tigers--
2781F Seminoles--
2861A Crimson Tide--
2999D Cowboys--
3050B Bears--
3135U Bruins--
3244N Fighting Irish--
3390S Gamecocks--
3425I Hoosiers--
359C Tigers--
3619Z Webster--
3763T Bear--
3847G Slab--
3942J Zolecki--
4039D Hamilton--
4122T Egg--
4256M Max--
4386T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1931O Buckeyes135.6904020*185Running
23244N Fighting Irish-1L390170Running
3158O Sooners-1L390165Running
44122T Egg-2L380160Running
54256M Max-2L380155Running
64386T Nadz-2L380150Running
7111T Longhorns-3L373151Running
83135U Bruins-4L360142Retired
9314U Hurricanes-4L360138Running
103390S Gamecocks-5L350134Retired
112152T Titans-5L350130Running
122781F Seminoles-5L350127Running
13359C Tigers-5L350124Running
141988N Saints-6L345126Accident
151415U Knights-6L340118Running
162655L Tigers-6L340115Running
173763T Bear-7L330112Running
18295A Falcons-7L330109Retired
191218O Rebels-7L330106Running
202517S Cardinal-8L320103Running
213050B Bears-8L320100Running
22430P Boilermakers-9L31097Running
233619Z Webster-12L28399Retired
241026I Hawkeyes-13L27091Running
252999D Cowboys-13L27088Running
26558P Steelers-14L26190Running
271780D Lions-16L24082Running
281113M Dolphins-16L24079Running
293425I Hoosiers-20L20076Accident
30186V Wildcats-21L19073Retired
312323C Panthers-24L16875Accident
32670P Nittany Lions-27L13067Retired
332210B Bills-29L11064Accident
34131T Aggies-30L10061Retired
351634N Giants-31L9058Accident
362445H Texans-33L7055Retired
373942J Zolecki-34L6052DQ
382861A Crimson Tide-34L6049Retired
394039D Hamilton-35L5046Accident
40798N Jets-37L3043Accident
412073T Buccaneers-38L2040Accident
42827O Ducks-39L1037Accident
433847G Slab-39L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (6 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 51 °F, East 7 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%


742Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 50 °F, East 4 mph

Session: Qualifying

111T Longhorns--
210B Bills--
345H Texans--
470P Nittany Lions--
531O Buckeyes--
614U Hurricanes--
713M Dolphins--
873T Buccaneers--
923C Panthers--
1098N Jets--
116V Wildcats--
1226I Hawkeyes--
131T Aggies--
1490S Gamecocks--
1525I Hoosiers--
1635U Bruins--
1715U Knights--
1855L Tigers--
1934N Giants--
2081F Seminoles--
2161A Crimson Tide--
2288N Saints--
2330P Boilermakers--
2495A Falcons--
2527O Ducks--
2644N Fighting Irish--
2758P Steelers--
2818O Rebels--
2917S Cardinal--
3052T Titans--
3199D Cowboys--
3250B Bears--
338O Sooners--
349C Tigers--
3580D Lions--
3619Z Webster--
3747G Slab--
3842J Zolecki--
3922T Egg--
4056M Max--
4139D Hamilton--
4263T Bear--
4386T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


12527O Ducks142.8094025*185Running
23619Z Webster-1L390170Running
33922T Egg-1L390165Running
43052T Titans-1L390160Running
54056M Max-2L380155Running
62495A Falcons-3L370150Running
7338O Sooners-4L360146Running
84263T Bear-4L360142Running
9111T Longhorns-8L3212143Running
104139D Hamilton-9L310134Running
113842J Zolecki-9L310130Running
123580D Lions-10L300127Running
131098N Jets-13L270124Running
142758P Steelers-17L230121Accident
152330P Boilermakers-19L210118Accident
16345H Texans-20L200115Accident
174386T Nadz-22L180112Accident
181525I Hoosiers-27L130109Accident
192644N Fighting Irish-27L130106Retired
202818O Rebels-31L90103Accident
212917S Cardinal-32L80100Accident
22713M Dolphins-32L83102Accident
233199D Cowboys-34L6094Accident
241934N Giants-34L6091Accident
25349C Tigers-34L6088Accident
263747G Slab-34L6085Running
27531O Buckeyes-38L2082Retired
282161A Crimson Tide-39L1079Accident
29131T Aggies-39L1076Accident
301715U Knights-39L1073Retired
313250B Bears-39L1070Accident
321635U Bruins-39L1067Retired
33210B Bills-39L1064Accident
341490S Gamecocks-39L1061Accident
351226I Hawkeyes-39L1058Accident
362081F Seminoles-39L1055Accident
37470P Nittany Lions-40L0052Accident
38614U Hurricanes-40L0049Accident
39873T Buccaneers-40L0046Retired
40923C Panthers-40L0043Accident
41116V Wildcats-40L0040Accident
421855L Tigers-40L0037Retired
432288N Saints-40L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 39 °F, East 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%



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