Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sprint Car Dirt Devils Championship 2013 - 10-12 Lebanon

What destruction!  Some technical issues for Chad, Rob and even Scot for a bit.  Rob would not be able to join tonight.  The first race Chad and Mr. Gates had some issues and Bill had him out for the premier round on this dirt bowl.

Race 1:
A good warm up.  Thankfully we had no damage.  We all started in the front and I go clobbered thanks to the wall jutting out from the end of turn 4.  Scot somehow cheated and managed to place second after serving a black flag penalty.  Sandy got one too but didn't fair quite as well.  Darrel was doing OK but had a run in with some AI that decided it would be fun to stop.

Race 2:
Chad final got his computer back and joined in.  Qualifying was similar though Darrel had some issues and started back in 20th which is exactly where he'd end up at the end.  But that's not to say he didn't move around the field, he was well up the order and back as well.  From the start, Scot would be the one to bite into the turn 4 wall but instead of wrecking like me, he went sideways, both in the X and Z axis (that's tipped over with nose at the crowd) and rode that drift until turn 1 where he saved it.  It was stupid ridiculous and another clear sign of cheating.  This little stunt would manage to keep him up in 2nd where he would end the race.  I barely avoided the piles Sandy was leaving throughout the laps to take the win.  Chad did some quantum tunneling and ended up with a heavily damaged car (and helped Sandy along before the green).  Playing with super positioning will do that to you.

Race 3:
Still no sign of Rob but we upped the damage and carried on another round of 25 laps anyway.  All of us at the front again.  Chad had another series of tunneling escapades and ended up with a broken car.  Darrel went out just shortly after with Scot right behind him.  Sandy and I managed to turn some more laps but I took myself out (damn turn 4 wall!) trying to avoid some idiot who got in Sandy's way and was sitting on the track.  I technically had a DNF but maintained second position even though NASCAR thought I won.

One more to go for this series at Orange County Fair Speedway.

Race 1

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz16.690
2029M Max17.103
3061D Hamilton17.161
4021T Bear17.193
535S Wilshe17.735
621B Bouchet17.743
723K Somerton17.813
824T Robinson17.868
925J York17.880
1066T Gentile17.902
111T Hoosier17.911
1252S Kue17.925
13016L 7717.957
1500D Martin JR.17.962
1655S McCarty17.984
1717L Lovering18.022
1815D Schlit18.023
1901T Martin18.037
2033C Vette18.052
2144C Benier18.056
2227J Barlow18.062
2389A Norris18.073
2447L Bennet18.077
2573T McCarty18.113
2699D Wilshe18.114
2712D McCormack18.115
2851B Lutz18.126
2932K Sheppard18.128
3014M Mooney18.133
3188A Peterson18.133
3263E Jackson18.142
3310T Gray18.151
3454J Jiant18.168
3560M Colvin18.233
3682R Merritts18.241
3718J Jones18.321

Weather: Clear, 97 °F, Southeast 9 mph

Session: Race


1621B Bouchet95.2252522*185Running
22029M Max-2.66252175Running
4723K Somerton-12.04250160Running
52033C Vette-14.63250155Running
62851B Lutz-15.55250150Running
7535S Wilshe-1L240146Running
83188A Peterson-1L240142Running
92447L Bennet-1L240138Running
10111T Hoosier-1L240134Running
11925J York-1L240130Running
121500D Martin JR.-1L240127Running
133014M Mooney-1L240124Running
142144C Benier-1L240121Running
151252S Kue-1L240118Running
161815D Schlit-1L240115Running
171013T Nadz-1L240112Running
181066T Gentile-1L240109Running
193310T Gray-1L240106Running
201655S McCarty-1L240103Running
213454J Jiant-1L240100Running
223682R Merritts-1L24097Running
232389A Norris-1L24094Running
242712D McCormack-1L24091Running
251717L Lovering-1L24088Running
261901T Martin-2L23085Running
27824T Robinson-2L23082Running
283560M Colvin-2L23079Running
293263E Jackson-2L23076Running
3013016L 77-2L23073Running
312699D Wilshe-2L23070Running
322932K Sheppard-2L23067Running
332573T McCarty-2L23064Running
343061D Hamilton-2L23166Running
353718J Jones-2L23058Running
362227J Barlow-3L22055Running
374021T Bear-4L21052Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 97 °F, East 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 85%


3029Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane
15021Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane

Race 2

Session: Qualifying

1029M Max16.499
2013T Nadz16.506
3021T Bear17.436
4007C Ferguson17.467
544C Benier17.666
6016L 7717.737
71T Hoosier17.823
863E Jackson17.856
915D Schlit17.859
1032K Sheppard17.862
1125J York17.864
1201T Martin17.871
1317L Lovering17.883
1447L Bennet17.888
1521B Helman17.916
1610T Gray17.929
1724T Robinson17.935
1866T Gentile17.946
1918J Jones17.951
20061D Hamilton17.956
2127J Barlow17.998
2273T McCarty18.015
2382R Merritts18.019
2455S McCarty18.019
2651B Lutz18.047
2714M Mooney18.059
2812D McCormack18.065
2989A Norris18.071
3054J Jiant18.073
3152D Reid18.091
3260M Colvin18.100
3399D Wilshe18.106
3433C Vette18.118
3588A Peterson18.121
3635S Wilshe18.166
3723K Somerton18.173
3800D Martin JR.18.300

Weather: Clear, 103 °F, Southeast 10 mph

Session: Race


12013T Nadz101.1002525*185Running
21029M Max-2L230170Running
32989A Norris-2L230165Running
42127J Barlow-2L230160Running
52455S McCarty-2L230155Running
671T Hoosier-2L230150Running
71918J Jones-2L230146Running
8544C Benier-2L230142Running
92812D McCormack-2L230138Running
103152D Reid-3L220134Running
113635S Wilshe-3L220130Running
122651B Lutz-3L220127Running
132273T McCarty-3L220124Running
141317L Lovering-3L220121Running
151447L Bennet-3L220118Running
163588A Peterson-3L220115Running
171521B Helman-3L220112Running
183399D Wilshe-3L220109Running
193260M Colvin-3L220106Running
2020061D Hamilton-3L220103Running
211610T Gray-3L220100Running
221032K Sheppard-3L22097Running
242382R Merritts-3L22091Running
25915D Schlit-4L21088Running
263021T Bear-4L21085Running
271724T Robinson-4L21082Running
283054J Jiant-4L21079Running
291866T Gentile-4L21076Running
30863E Jackson-4L21073Running
316016L 77-4L21070Running
321201T Martin-5L20067Running
333433C Vette-5L20064Running
343723K Somerton-5L20061Running
352714M Mooney-8L17058Running
363800D Martin JR.-9L16055Running
374007C Ferguson-14L11052Accident
381125J York-19L6049Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 0 (1 driver)

Weather: Clear, 103 °F, North 14 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 85%


10007Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz16.580
2029M Max16.983
3007C Ferguson17.478
4061D Hamilton17.541
5021T Bear17.687
612R Gephart17.875
715D Schlit17.876
863E Jackson17.886
947B Rafuse17.901
1021B Bouchet17.907
1151B Lutz17.941
1244C Benier17.954
1327J Barlow17.955
1401T Martin17.965
1588A Peterson17.968
1655S McCarty17.989
1789A Norris18.032
1824T Robinson18.036
1960M Colvin18.040
2033C Vette18.042
2166T Gentile18.073
2252D Reid18.083
2332K Sheppard18.083
2482R Merritts18.084
2535S Wilshe18.089
2610T Gray18.094
271T Hoosier18.098
2873T McCarty18.126
3000D Martin JR.18.144
3117L Lovering18.181
3218J Jones18.197
3314M Mooney18.215
3423K Somerton18.226
3554J Jiant18.228
3699D Wilshe18.319
37016L 7718.356
3825J York18.398

Weather: Clear, 105 °F, Southeast 11 mph

Session: Race


1121B Bouchet102.661241185Running
210013T Nadz-29.462423*170Accident
3715D Schlit-1L230165Running
42535S Wilshe-1L230160Running
5863E Jackson-1L230155Running
61244C Benier-1L230150Running
73000D Martin JR.-1L230146Running
837016L 77-1L230142Running
91960M Colvin-1L230138Running
101588A Peterson-1L230134Running
113117L Lovering-2L220130Running
121655S McCarty-2L220127Running
131824T Robinson-2L220124Running
141401T Martin-2L220121Running
153314M Mooney-2L220118Running
161789A Norris-2L220115Running
172252D Reid-2L220112Running
182482R Merritts-2L220109Running
193554J Jiant-2L220106Running
20271T Hoosier-2L220103Running
213218J Jones-2L220100Running
223699D Wilshe-2L22097Running
233825J York-2L22094Running
242166T Gentile-2L22091Running
255021T Bear-2L22088Running
261327J Barlow-3L21085Running
28612R Gephart-3L21079Running
292332K Sheppard-3L21076Running
302610T Gray-3L21073Running
312033C Vette-4L20070Retired
321151B Lutz-5L19067Accident
332873T McCarty-5L19064Running
34947B Rafuse-6L18061Running
353423K Somerton-6L18058Accident
362029M Max-13L11055Accident
374061D Hamilton-14L10052Accident
383007C Ferguson-20L4049Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 0 (1 driver)

Weather: Clear, 105 °F, Northeast 10 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 85%


5007Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane
11029Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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