Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pick10 - 3 & 4 Golden Sands

It was a page from our Twisted Metal tour.  Destruction was abound , so much so we had to eliminate yellows.  Here's a brief description as best I can muster.

Race 1:
Most of us started in the front but some towards the back.  Wasn't but a lap before we caught the tail of the field.  Sandy was cruising through the back and I was shadowing him as he ascended the order until Rob was forced into the back of me.  Scot got the snot beat out of him but survived.  Sandy ended up dying and Chad lost the lead because of a disconnect problem.  Darrel also took some terrible abuse.  Other than that, carnage.

Race 2:
See Race 1.  Actually that fared less well for the humans.  In fact there was probably more human on human interaction.  Still, very destructive.  Please note that Sandy got TWO penalties for unsafe pit entrance ON THE SAME LAP!  That's on par with a 44th place finish.

Next week is Mexico City: a modest road course south of the border.  Arriba!

Race 1

Session: Practice

1013T Nadz12.351
2061D Hamilton12.597
3029M Max12.753
4007C Ferguson12.782
5062R Cook12.827
633M Day13.019
761J Barr13.064
841C Jewett13.095
912J Murner13.131
1010Zax Byrons13.179
1113D Haase13.190
1262M Hooper13.220
130T Bill13.221
1402S Bannister13.318
156R Vining13.343
16021T Bear13.382
1758Dale Trans13.533
1815Mark Anthony13.656
191E Knievel13.705
2090J Capp13.822
2114B Grady14.275
229D Partelo29.818

Weather: Cloudy, 50 °F, West 0 mph

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz12.363
2029M Max12.780
3007C Ferguson12.856
4061D Hamilton12.865
560J Wayman12.897
6062R Cook13.002
78Homer Dep13.031
802S Bannister13.170
915Mark Anthony13.424
1033M Day13.564
1143G Mosley13.591
12021T Bear13.596
1318D Epaling13.615
1462M Hooper13.619
155R Jackson13.638
166R Vining13.659
1721T Baker13.677
187B Schilds13.692
1912J Murner13.704
2049Klotz MacTool13.801
2199S Vector13.837
2241C Jewett13.851
2317Roy Al Purple13.958
249D Partelo14.000
2527D Reges14.037
2636Gulf Crest14.057
271E Knievel14.133
284T Patton--
2993M Reinert--
3032R Mayfield--
3114B Grady--
322J Spark--
3342J Smith Jr.--
3489B Dubil--
3588Brad Davies--
363Sunny Oco--
3761J Barr--
3890J Capp--
390T Bill--
4058Dale Trans--
4113D Haase--
4210Zax Byrons--
4328J Waston--

Weather: Clear, 50 °F, Southeast 1 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1013T Nadz12.311
2061D Hamilton12.727
3029M Max12.755
4007C Ferguson12.916
541C Jewett12.949
64T Patton13.076
7062R Cook13.149
899S Vector13.191
949Klotz MacTool13.411
10021T Bear13.702
1132R Mayfield14.058
1262M Hooper14.072
1315Mark Anthony14.888
1427D Reges32.270

Weather: Cloudy, 54 °F, North 1 mph

Session: Race


11013T Nadz80.1265043*185Running
2187B Schilds-1L490170Running
31721T Baker-1L490165Running
41912J Murner-1L490160Running
5271E Knievel-1L490155Running
64210Zax Byrons-1L490150Running
7284T Patton-1L490146Running
8802S Bannister-2L480142Running
9390T Bill-2L480138Running
103761J Barr-2L481139Running
112527D Reges-2L480130Running
122049Klotz MacTool-3L470127Running
134328J Waston-3L470124Running
14155R Jackson-3L470121Running
153032R Mayfield-3L470118Running
16363Sunny Oco-3L470115Running
173342J Smith Jr.-4L460112Running
18322J Spark-4L460109Running
192317Roy Al Purple-5L450106Running
20560J Wayman-5L450103Running
214061D Hamilton-5L450100Running
22249D Partelo-6L44097Running
231318D Epaling-6L44094Accident
241462M Hooper-6L44091Running
252029M Max-6L44088Running
266062R Cook-7L43390Running
272636Gulf Crest-8L42082Running
283114B Grady-8L42079Running
291033M Day-8L42076Running
301143G Mosley-9L41073Running
313588Brad Davies-10L40070Running
322241C Jewett-10L40067Running
332199S Vector-10L40064Running
343007C Ferguson-14L36366Disco
353890J Capp-14L36058Accident
36915Mark Anthony-14L36055Running
374058Dale Trans-16L34052Accident
38166R Vining-19L31049Running
3978Homer Dep-21L29046Accident
404113D Haase-21L29043Running
4112021T Bear-23L27040Accident
422993M Reinert-27L23037Accident
433489B Dubil-31L19034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (4 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 54 °F, Northwest 3 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 90%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz12.380
2062R Cook12.781
3007C Ferguson12.833
416Drip Foster12.845
517Roy Al Purple12.847
641C Jewett12.865
7061D Hamilton12.879
819R Smith12.903
960J Wayman12.910
1002S Bannister12.917
1143G Mosley12.925
1236Gulf Crest12.930
1389B Dubil12.930
1433M Day12.956
158Homer Dep12.957
1614B Grady12.966
1790J Capp12.975
186R Vining12.979
1949Klotz MacTool12.989
201E Knievel12.990
2199S Vector12.993
2200Kernal Sanders13.009
2358Dale Trans13.009
2444P Blackburn13.019
2518D Epaling13.019
262J Spark13.020
2711B Nest13.024
2827D Reges13.025
2993M Reinert13.031
3061J Barr13.039
315R Jackson13.043
3242J Smith Jr.13.045
3328J Waston13.047
34029M Max13.053
359D Partelo13.061
3621T Baker13.061
3712J Murner13.075
3862M Hooper13.119
3915Mark Anthony13.153
4010Zax Byrons13.161
414T Patton13.177
427B Schilds13.192
43021T Bear14.266

Weather: Clear, 51 °F, West 8 mph

Session: Race


1416Drip Foster81.4965016180Running
2201E Knievel-1L490170Running
3186R Vining-1L490165Running
41236Gulf Crest-1L490160Running
52827D Reges-1L490155Running
62444P Blackburn-1L490150Running
7262J Spark-2L480146Running
83712J Murner-2L480142Running
92358Dale Trans-2L480138Running
102518D Epaling-2L480134Running
111013T Nadz-2L489135Running
122711B Nest-2L480127Running
133862M Hooper-2L480124Running
141614B Grady-2L480121Running
151389B Dubil-3L470118Running
16641C Jewett-3L470115Running
171433M Day-3L470112Running
181002S Bannister-5L450109Running
19960J Wayman-6L440106Running
201949Klotz MacTool-6L440103Running
21158Homer Dep-6L440100Running
222199S Vector-7L43097Running
233328J Waston-8L42094Running
242200Kernal Sanders-8L42091Running
25517Roy Al Purple-8L42088Running
262993M Reinert-9L41085Running
273061J Barr-10L40082Running
281143G Mosley-11L39079Running
2934029M Max-12L38076Running
302062R Cook-13L37378Running
317061D Hamilton-13L37070Running
321790J Capp-18L32067Running
33414T Patton-20L30064Running
34359D Partelo-23L27061Running
353007C Ferguson-25L2522*68Accident
3643021T Bear-33L17055Accident
373915Mark Anthony-38L12052Accident
38427B Schilds-41L9049Running
39819R Smith-44L6046Retired
404010Zax Byrons-49L1043Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 51 °F, Southwest 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 90%


18021Smoking EnginePit for repairs
28062Dropping DebrisPit for repairs
20021Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
20021Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
29062Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
37029Dropping DebrisPit for repairs

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