Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sprint Car Dirt Devils Championship 2013 - 13-15 Bone Crusher

The Dirt Devils Championship came to a dramatic close.  We had a last minute track switch from Orange County to Bone Crusher due to some sever track inconsistencies.  The AI and surface were too wildly unpredictable.

Unfortunately it didn't help most of us very much though there was some excellent finishes.  I will note that I did not purge cheaters through this event as there was not much at stake and it would take far too much time.

Race 1:
The destruction began and Rob was out quickly thanks to a much undeserved DQ.  I flipped myself twice onto my top.  Chad managed to bust a header with no damage on.  Darrel Scot and I continued on through the madness but it would be Sandy scoring a 9th place and two points at the end of the race for the humans.

Race 2:
Damage up to moderate and laps down to 15.  This race started just as badly with wrecks immediately putting Chad, Sandy and Rob out of the event.  I hung in for a while but would eventually get destroyed by a 5mph crash that was enough to fuse my car with an AI.  Darrel was doing well for quite a bit but then was plastered in a late intersection interception.  Scot carried on and pulled out a 6th.  He was running first until he decided he didn't want to keep up his streak and barreled into traffic for a late DNF.

Race 3
The final round and damage on MAX.  Rob was hurt early but managed to stay in the fight for quite some time until his car finally bit the dust about halfway in.  Sandy was the first out in dramatic, metal wrenching fashion.  Darrel hung in just a little bit longer but not enough to get him into the top 30.  Chad, Scot and I held out for a while until the field atrophied to only but a dozen cars or so.  Chad was unlucky and clipped a car through the intersection ending his race at a respectable 15th.  Scot and I played chicken for the remaining five laps or so, just barely missing each other through the intersections.  It's likely that the only reason we made it to the end was because we were both in the pits for almost two minutes each after being damaged early on.

I'll finish the postings for this mini series and put up a new post with details of the next.  We'll delay the BWTCC for another small series.  Details to come shortly.

Race 1

Session: Practice

132K Sheppard16.287
214M Mooney16.750
325J York18.318
4013T Nadz18.475
5029M Max18.508
633C Vette18.513
7061D Hamilton18.727
9016L 7719.153
1089A Norris19.536
1110T Gray19.640
1218T Grogan20.113
1327J Barlow20.441
1452D Reid20.835
1588A Peterson20.975
1601T Martin21.169
1721B Bouchet21.341
1860M Colvin21.473
191T Hoosier21.483
2051B Lutz22.150
2124T Robinson22.278
2247L Bennet22.615
2373T McCarty22.706
2466T Gentile22.807
2512R Gephart23.348
2682R Merritts23.622
2715D Schlit23.991
2899D Wilshe25.855
29062R Cook26.967
30021T Bear29.227
31007C Ferguson29.540
3235S Wilshe30.127
3317L Lovering31.028
3400D Martin JR.31.205
3523K Somerton31.252
3654J Jiant33.252
3744C Benier33.589
3863E Jackson35.619
3955S McCarty35.835

Weather: Cloudy, 70 °F, Northeast 13 mph

Session: Qualifying

112R Gephart--
232K Sheppard--
314M Mooney--
455S McCarty--
582R Merritts--
663E Jackson--
723K Somerton--
835S Wilshe--
1060M Colvin--
1154J Jiant--
1201T Martin--
131T Hoosier--
1488A Peterson--
1533C Vette--
1673T McCarty--
1721B Bouchet--
18016L 77--
1915D Schlit--
2099D Wilshe--
2117L Lovering--
2224T Robinson--
2351B Lutz--
2444C Benier--
2552D Reid--
2689A Norris--
2747L Bennet--
2810T Gray--
2927J Barlow--
3018T Grogan--
3100D Martin JR.--
3266T Gentile--
3325J York--
34007C Ferguson--
35029M Max--
36062R Cook--
37061D Hamilton--
38013T Nadz--
39021T Bear--

Weather: Cloudy, 70 °F, North 18 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Cloudy, 81 °F, North 18 mph

Session: Race


12747L Bennet75.159249*185Running
2663E Jackson-1L235175Running
3112R Gephart-1L231170Running
42552D Reid-1L230160Running
52444C Benier-2L220155Running
6131T Hoosier-2L220150Running
72117L Lovering-2L220146Running
81915D Schlit-2L223147Running
939021T Bear-2L220138Running
111721B Bouchet-2L221135Running
123100D Martin JR.-2L220127Running
132224T Robinson-2L220124Running
14455S McCarty-2L221126Running
153325J York-2L220118Running
1618016L 77-3L210115Running
173266T Gentile-3L210112Running
181201T Martin-3L210109Running
192351B Lutz-3L210106Running
2037061D Hamilton-3L210103Running
2135029M Max-3L210100Running
222927J Barlow-4L20097Running
232810T Gray-4L20094Running
24232K Sheppard-4L20091Running
2538013T Nadz-4L20088Running
261060M Colvin-5L19085Running
27835S Wilshe-5L19187Running
283018T Grogan-5L19079Running
291533C Vette-5L19076Running
302689A Norris-5L19073Running
31723K Somerton-6L18070Running
321154J Jiant-6L18067Running
33582R Merritts-6L18064Running
341488A Peterson-7L17061Running
35314M Mooney-7L17058Running
361673T McCarty-8L16055Running
3734007C Ferguson-15L9052Header
382099D Wilshe-17L7049DQ
3936062R Cook-19L5046DQ

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (8 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 80 °F, Northwest 12 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 100%


6062Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 2

Session: Qualifying

124T Robinson--
225J York--
399D Wilshe--
489A Norris--
555S McCarty--
615D Schlit--
7016L 77--
860M Colvin--
932K Sheppard--
1052S Kue--
1163E Jackson--
1235S Wilshe--
1310T Gray--
1427J Barlow--
1500D Martin JR.--
1614M Mooney--
1733C Vette--
1844C Benier--
1988A Peterson--
2066T Gentile--
2173T McCarty--
2201T Martin--
2418J Jones--
2521B Bouchet--
2651B Lutz--
2747L Bennet--
2882R Merritts--
2917L Lovering--
3023K Somerton--
311T Hoosier--
3254J Jiant--
3312J McKinleyDodge--
34007C Ferguson--
35062R Cook--
36061D Hamilton--
37013T Nadz--
38021T Bear--
39029M Max--

Weather: Clear, 83 °F, East 3 mph

Session: Race


13312J McKinleyDodge76.747144*185Running
22418J Jones-1L130170Accident
3615D Schlit-1L130165Running
41988A Peterson-1L130160Running
52747L Bennet-1L130155Running
639029M Max-2L124*160Accident
82173T McCarty-2L120142Running
97016L 77-3L110138Running
10489A Norris-3L110134Running
112651B Lutz-4L100130Accident
122917L Lovering-4L102132Accident
13399D Wilshe-5L90124Accident
141500D Martin JR.-5L90121Running
15932K Sheppard-6L80118Retired
16860M Colvin-6L81120Clutch
17225J York-7L70112Retired
181733C Vette-7L70109Accident
191310T Gray-7L70106Accident
203254J Jiant-7L70103Accident
2136061D Hamilton-7L70100Running
22124T Robinson-8L6097Accident
2337013T Nadz-9L5094Accident
241163E Jackson-9L5091Retired
25555S McCarty-9L5088Accident
261235S Wilshe-10L4290Accident
271427J Barlow-11L3082Accident
281052S Kue-11L3079Accident
291844C Benier-11L3076Retired
302066T Gentile-11L3073Retired
311614M Mooney-11L3070Accident
322521B Bouchet-11L3067Accident
33311T Hoosier-11L3064Accident
342201T Martin-11L3061Accident
3535062R Cook-12L2058DQ
363023K Somerton-12L2055Accident
372882R Merritts-12L2052Accident
3834007C Ferguson-13L1049DQ
3938021T Bear-14L0046Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (6 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 83 °F, Northwest 1 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 100%


3062Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended
2007Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended
4061Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Track: BoneCrusher

Date: 01/16/13

Session: Qualifying

114M Mooney--
223K Somerton--
3016L 77--
417L Lovering--
533C Vette--
601T Martin--
71T Hoosier--
947L Bennet--
1073T McCarty--
1121B Bouchet--
1235S Wilshe--
1366T Gentile--
1499D Wilshe--
1563E Jackson--
1610T Gray--
1712R Gephart--
1889A Norris--
1944C Benier--
2027J Barlow--
2115D Schlit--
2260M Colvin--
2388A Peterson--
2424T Robinson--
2552D Reid--
2654J Jiant--
2718T Grogan--
2832K Sheppard--
2951B Lutz--
3055S McCarty--
3125J York--
3200D Martin JR.--
3382R Merritts--
34029M Max--
35013T Nadz--
36062R Cook--
37061D Hamilton--
38021T Bear--
39007C Ferguson--

Weather: Clear, 44 °F, East 4 mph

Session: Race


12654J Jiant74.597143180Running
234029M Max-5.54140170Running
335013T Nadz-19.30140165Running
41366T Gentile-26.73140160Running
52260M Colvin-1L130155Running
63125J York-2L124*160Retired
7114M Mooney-3L110146Running
8533C Vette-3L110142Accident
91499D Wilshe-6L83143Accident
101610T Gray-6L80134Accident
113382R Merritts-7L70130Accident
122718T Grogan-7L70127Accident
131073T McCarty-8L60124Retired
14601T Martin-8L60121Accident
1539007C Ferguson-9L50118Accident
16947L Bennet-9L50115Accident
171889A Norris-9L50112Accident
182951B Lutz-10L41114Retired
19223K Somerton-10L41111Accident
202832K Sheppard-10L40103Retired
21417L Lovering-10L40100Accident
223016L 77-10L4097Accident
232552D Reid-11L3199Piston
253200D Martin JR.-11L3088Accident
2636062R Cook-11L3085Accident
272027J Barlow-11L3082Accident
281235S Wilshe-12L2184Accident
291563E Jackson-12L2076Retired
302424T Robinson-12L2073Accident
3137061D Hamilton-12L2070Accident
323055S McCarty-12L2067Accident
332115D Schlit-12L2064Accident
342388A Peterson-12L2061Accident
351712R Gephart-12L2058Accident
3638021T Bear-12L2055Accident
371121B Bouchet-13L1052Accident
3871T Hoosier-13L1049Accident
391944C Benier-13L1046Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (7 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 44 °F, Northeast 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 100%


4007Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
5007Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds

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