Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sprint Car Dirt Devils Championship 2013 - 7-9 Fireman's Park

Happy New Year everyone.  Hope you had a good holiday break.  We were back into action again this week although Darrel and Scot were unavailable.  Rob was able to make his debut appearance and put on an impressive rookie performance.

Race 1:
Rob was not in yet for the opening race.  Chad, Sandy and I all started in the top and things quickly got hairy between the two of them.  Most impressive was Sandy's double come back.  He managed to rise to 3rd twice and hold it at the end.  I led for most of the race but was tapped off track by a thoughtless AI.  I still need to see who that was for punishment later on...Fortunately I came back on and only lost one position to none other than Chad who took the first victory of the night.

Race 2:
Rob came on board to start getting in the mix after only 10 minutes of practice.  Hell, he only had about 10 minutes total driving time before his first race, on a dirt track, with NO aids, in the cockpit, on a course he's never even heard of much less seen or driven on.  All that made his 19th place finish that much more impressive.  He was right in behind Chad (who he may have wrecked inadvertently) and ahead of Sandy who landed a goose egg for round 2.  Chad was doing well after a bungled qualifying care of a dead battery in his wheel, though 7th wasn't too bad considering.  Sandy started in second and was racing hard ahead of the competition until he was unceremoniously pummeled by a certain Chad Ferguson coming out of turn 2.  Sandy was hit by 4 other cars before coming to rest, a broken heap.  I barely managed to avoid the carnage and took the second win of the evening.

Race 3:
Again is was Sandy, Chad and me in the top 3 positions for the final race.  It wasn't long before things got exciting.  Rob didn't have as good of a run with damage on full and got taken out by the horde of oncoming cars.  An experience we have all shared.  Chad and I were trading 1st back and forth before he had some issues with traffic and fell to 15th right before the end of the race.  Sandy had fallen away from the pack but made up ground over a dozen or so laps and landed in 9th.  I took the victory for the last race.

If things continue on as we saw tonight, Rob will be lapping us all within a few venues.  I know Darrel didn't keep aids on for long, but he was at least familiar with racing sims and the real things for some time before hand.  I'm excited to see just how competitive he gets in the coming events (Next week is Lebanon).  For now, here are the results:

Race 1

Date: 01/02/13

Session: Practice

1013T Nadz19.162
2007C Ferguson19.619
3021T Bear21.057
410T Gray21.929
500D Martin JR.22.009
673T McCarty22.055
752S Kue22.251
832K Sheppard22.252
982R Merritts22.271
1025J York22.294
1114M Mooney22.302
1212R Gephart22.304
1323K Somerton22.345
1466T Gentile22.393
1618T Grogan22.486
1721B Bouchet22.504
181T Hoosier22.517
1955S McCarty22.542
2047L Bennet22.617
2188A Peterson22.686
22016L 7722.708

Weather: Cloudy, 84 °F, South 7 mph

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz19.146
2007C Ferguson19.457
3021T Bear20.459
425J York21.532
555S McCarty21.538
632K Sheppard21.570
723K Somerton21.570
812R Gephart21.571
914M Mooney21.603
1047L Bennet21.642
11016L 7721.700
1200D Martin JR.21.704
1382R Merritts21.709
151T Hoosier21.799
1688A Peterson21.814
1773T McCarty21.817
1866T Gentile21.880
1910T Gray21.956
2018T Grogan22.006
2152S Kue22.128
2221B Bouchet22.293

Weather: Cloudy, 84 °F, Southeast 7 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1013T Nadz19.306
2007C Ferguson19.728
3021T Bear20.073
488A Peterson21.846
573T McCarty21.947
682R Merritts22.032
732K Sheppard22.111
812R Gephart22.187
947L Bennet22.278
1023K Somerton22.282
1121B Bouchet22.347
121T Hoosier22.361
14016L 7722.379
1518T Grogan22.407
1666T Gentile22.427
1700D Martin JR.22.442
1814M Mooney22.444
1952S Kue22.457
2055S McCarty22.466
2110T Gray22.503
2225J York22.900

Weather: Clear, 79 °F, East 13 mph

Session: Race


12007C Ferguson87.429253180Running
21013T Nadz-11.692522*180Running
33021T Bear-2L230165Running
4425J York-2L230160Running
5723K Somerton-2L230155Running
61200D Martin JR.-2L230150Running
7914M Mooney-2L230146Running
81688A Peterson-2L230142Running
92221B Bouchet-2L230138Running
10555S McCarty-2L230134Running
111047L Bennet-2L230130Running
122018T Grogan-2L230127Running
132152S Kue-2L230124Running
14632K Sheppard-2L230121Running
151910T Gray-3L220118Running
171866T Gentile-3L220112Running
181382R Merritts-3L220109Running
191773T McCarty-3L220106Running
20812R Gephart-3L220103Running
2111016L 77-3L220100Running
22151T Hoosier-3L22097Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 79 °F, Northeast 19 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 85%



Race 2

Session: Practice

1013T Nadz19.434
2007C Ferguson19.631
3021T Bear20.723
482R Merritts21.627
573T McCarty21.982
621B Helman22.027
710T Gray22.030
812R Gephart22.047
918T Grogan22.075
1033C Vette22.121
1135S Wilshe22.144
1260M Colvin22.154
1355S McCarty22.171
1447B Rafuse22.179
1551B Lutz22.236
1625J York22.241
1766T Gentile22.251
1801T Martin22.313
1944C Benier22.322
2099D Wilshe22.457
2124T Robinson22.502
2252D Reid22.543
23062R Cook34.139

Weather: Cloudy, 75 °F, Southwest 7 mph

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz19.031
2021T Bear20.868
399D Wilshe20.942
421B Helman20.958
501T Martin21.101
647B Rafuse21.123
7007C Ferguson21.242
818T Grogan21.334
951B Lutz21.354
1044C Benier21.400
1166T Gentile21.401
1212R Gephart21.410
1335S Wilshe21.424
1433C Vette21.439
1510T Gray21.476
1682R Merritts21.509
1773T McCarty21.542
1855S McCarty21.543
1924T Robinson21.565
2060M Colvin21.608
2125J York21.877
2252D Reid22.081
23062R Cook25.462

Weather: Cloudy, 75 °F, East 10 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1013T Nadz19.377
2007C Ferguson19.908
3021T Bear21.034
455S McCarty21.805
512R Gephart21.878
660M Colvin21.925
735S Wilshe21.927
882R Merritts21.960
999D Wilshe21.962
1066T Gentile21.981
1124T Robinson21.989
1221B Helman21.995
1333C Vette22.027
1451B Lutz22.060
1510T Gray22.061
1644C Benier22.100
1773T McCarty22.101
1847B Rafuse22.105
1901T Martin22.206
2018T Grogan22.220
2125J York22.245
2252D Reid22.374
23062R Cook23.089

Weather: Cloudy, 82 °F, Southwest 4 mph

Session: Race


11013T Nadz87.6962523*185Running
2951B Lutz-2L230170Running
3818T Grogan-2L230165Running
41212R Gephart-2L230160Running
51773T McCarty-2L230155Running
6647B Rafuse-2L230150Running
7399D Wilshe-2L230146Running
82252D Reid-2L230142Running
91510T Gray-2L230138Running
101166T Gentile-3L220134Running
111044C Benier-3L220130Running
122060M Colvin-3L220127Running
131433C Vette-3L220124Running
142125J York-3L220121Running
151924T Robinson-3L220118Running
16501T Martin-6L190115Running
171335S Wilshe-8L170112Running
187007C Ferguson-14L112114Accident
1923062R Cook-17L80106DQ
201855S McCarty-17L80103DQ
211682R Merritts-20L50100DQ
22421B Helman-21L4097Retired
232021T Bear-25L0094Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 81 °F, South 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 87%


6062Unsafe pit exitStop and go
7062Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
8062Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
10062Not honoring the black fDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz19.188
2007C Ferguson19.545
3021T Bear20.526
444C Benier21.098
525J York21.200
689A Norris21.217
718J Jones21.268
851B Lutz21.278
966T Gentile21.288
1054J Jiant21.322
1114M Mooney21.341
1252S Kue21.342
1327J Barlow21.351
1555S McCarty21.405
1682R Merritts21.415
1799D Wilshe21.426
1821B Bouchet21.429
1947B Rafuse21.437
2015D Schlit21.490
21016L 7721.500
2260M Colvin21.578
23062R Cook25.305

Weather: Clear, 81 °F, South 3 mph

Session: Race


11013T Nadz87.3102524*185Running
2689A Norris-2L230170Running
3444C Benier-2L230165Running
41114M Mooney-2L230160Running
51054J Jiant-2L230155Running
71555S McCarty-2L230146Running
8851B Lutz-2L230142Running
93021T Bear-2L230138Running
10718J Jones-2L230134Running
11525J York-2L230130Running
12966T Gentile-2L230127Running
1321016L 77-2L230124Running
141682R Merritts-2L230121Running
152007C Ferguson-3L221123Running
161252S Kue-3L220115Running
172260M Colvin-3L220112Running
182015D Schlit-3L220109Running
191327J Barlow-3L220106Running
201799D Wilshe-9L160103Accident
211821B Bouchet-11L140100DQ
221947B Rafuse-14L11097Retired
2323062R Cook-17L8094DQ

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 81 °F, Northeast 9 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 87%


6062Unsafe pit exitStop and go
10062Not honoring the black fDQ'd: Scoring is ended
23007Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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