Friday, September 4, 2020

2020-3 Whelen Modified Series - Round 4: Mansfield Night

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Mansfield Night was not the amazing set of races we saw in the 50's series.  Things went wrong from the start when the setups just never hooked up and everyone struggled to keep the cars from going goofy.  From there, it turned to tumult and the rest is history.

Heat 1:

Race 1 was going well until a little under halfway and the wrecks started.

Jamie managed to avoid the calamity the most as things turned to twisted metal style and held out for a podium, the highest of the humans.

Heat 2:
The second go round wasn't much better but at least marginally better.  Zolecki got the win somehow and what you see in the background kind of explains the whole 25 laps.

The Bear had a personal best in the series for an impressive 6th place.  A strong finish considering all that was happening around him.

Egg was leading the way for the first third of the race when he got a tap that sent him sliding down the order.

The race was flooded with caution laps, coming to a dramatic finish where Jamie barely stole the win.

The Egg was able to pull himself up to just off the podium but not a bad recovery.

The last roadcoarse awaits at Oulton Park.

Heat 1

Track: Mansfield Motorsports Speedway

Date: 09/02/20

Session: Practice

1008J Zolecki16.459
2034T Egg16.542
3013T Nadz16.570
4023Z Webster16.704
528J Civali16.758
631G Pack16.783
7001G Slab16.858
829K Harvick16.859
98T York16.893
1015Z Sylvester16.899
115C Pasteryak16.900
1255B Vance16.906
1318D Lia16.919
142T Szegedy16.922
1594K Miller16.938
1643S Huhn16.942
17061D Hamilton16.957
1881B Pack16.957
1993S Vivy16.968
20021T Bear16.991
210P Butts17.002
2244R Ruggiero17.015
2338J James17.025
2483T Brown17.055
2514R Bones17.070
2624T Raines17.127
2711H Wilkins17.191
2823C Arnold17.290
2961A Baker17.294
3069J Miller17.334
313E Beers17.348
3207F Fleming17.379
334J Marquis17.392
3410E Flemke, Jr.17.408
3588C Hines17.499
369T Phil17.639
3721J Hill17.648
386J Leaty17.779
3957B Burton Jr.17.795
401Y Smith17.827
4126A Jones18.118
4216M Stefanik18.182
4336L Miller26.530

Weather: Clear, 84 °F, East 15 mph

Session: Qualifying

1023Z Webster16.512
2021T Bear16.832
388C Hines16.979
494K Miller16.990
50P Butts17.043
623C Arnold17.071
761A Baker17.073
814R Bones17.089
915Z Sylvester17.091
1038J James17.091
1181B Pack17.092
1236L Miller17.094
1329K Harvick17.098
1424T Raines17.107
1518D Lia17.115
166J Leaty17.117
1793S Vivy17.136
182T Szegedy17.139
1910E Flemke, Jr.17.152
203E Beers17.158
2183T Brown17.158
2211H Wilkins17.160
2307F Fleming17.161
244J Marquis17.192
258T York17.194
2657B Burton Jr.17.203
275C Pasteryak17.220
2821J Hill17.226
2969J Miller17.242
309T Phil17.244
3143S Huhn17.271
3228J Civali17.291
331Y Smith17.297
3426A Jones17.471
35061D Hamilton17.533
3644R Ruggiero17.590
3716M Stefanik17.596
3831G Pack17.793
3955B Vance17.918
40008J Zolecki20.987
41001G Slab27.325
42034T Egg--
43013T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 84 °F, Southwest 14 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1034T Egg16.416
2008J Zolecki16.535
3013T Nadz16.706
4023Z Webster16.721
511H Wilkins16.729
683T Brown16.745
718D Lia16.804
836L Miller16.843
943S Huhn16.853
100P Butts16.899
1123C Arnold16.905
12021T Bear16.912
13001G Slab16.916
1493S Vivy16.945
1516M Stefanik17.005
16061D Hamilton17.010
1788C Hines17.025
1814R Bones17.029
1928J Civali17.058
2010E Flemke, Jr.17.184
2161A Baker17.188
226J Leaty17.197
2344R Ruggiero17.205
242T Szegedy17.206
2515Z Sylvester17.210
269T Phil17.210
271Y Smith17.236
283E Beers17.284
2931G Pack17.290
3069J Miller17.351
3129K Harvick17.420
3255B Vance17.468
3357B Burton Jr.17.501
3424T Raines17.506
358T York17.543
3694K Miller17.640
3721J Hill17.653
384J Marquis17.706
3926A Jones17.812
405C Pasteryak17.883
4138J James20.322
4207F Fleming26.768
4381B Pack36.776

Weather: Clear, 90 °F, East 1 mph

Session: Race


1915Z Sylvester98.400256180Running
2388C Hines-3.01250170Running
340008J Zolecki-7.61250165Running
4331Y Smith-7.87250160Running
51181B Pack-8.05250155Running
6244J Marquis-8.22250150Running
7494K Miller-9.25250146Running
82211H Wilkins-9.53250142Running
91518D Lia-10.22251143Running
101793S Vivy-1L242139Running
111038J James-1L240130Running
12182T Szegedy-1L240127Running
133955B Vance-1L240124Running
143143S Huhn-1L240121Running
1541001G Slab-1L240118Running
1650P Butts-1L240115Running
17275C Pasteryak-1L240112Running
182821J Hill-1L240109Running
191023Z Webster-1L2415*116Running
203716M Stefanik-1L240103Running
21761A Baker-1L240100Running
223228J Civali-1L24097Running
23623C Arnold-1L24094Running
241424T Raines-1L24091Running
252657B Burton Jr.-2L23088Running
262307F Fleming-2L23190Running
27166J Leaty-2L23082Running
2843013T Nadz-2L23079Running
292969J Miller-2L23076Running
303426A Jones-2L23073Running
3142034T Egg-3L22070Running
321329K Harvick-3L22067Running
33309T Phil-3L22064Running
342021T Bear-4L21061Running
35203E Beers-4L21058Running
361236L Miller-4L21055Running
37258T York-4L21052Running
383831G Pack-4L21049Running
3935061D Hamilton-4L21046Running
401910E Flemke, Jr.-5L20043Running
41814R Bones-5L20040Running
423644R Ruggiero-6L19037Running
432183T Brown-11L14034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 89 °F, East 1 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%



Heat 2

Session: Qualifying

1034T Egg16.454
2021T Bear16.687
3001G Slab16.699
45C Pasteryak16.981
536L Miller17.014
681B Pack17.019
728J Civali17.030
88T York17.038
926A Jones17.044
1017B King17.053
1110E Flemke, Jr.17.058
1257B Burton Jr.17.063
1343S Huhn17.063
1418D Lia17.067
1546J Rodrigez17.075
160P Butts17.082
1729K Harvick17.084
1894K Miller17.088
1983T Brown17.089
2022B Angles17.096
2114R Bones17.103
229T Phil17.106
2338J James17.107
2431G Pack17.113
2569J Miller17.120
26013T Nadz17.128
271Y Smith17.133
2815Z Sylvester17.143
2988C Hines17.145
3023M Geralds17.146
3155B Vance17.152
32061D Hamilton17.154
3311H Wilkins17.158
3421J Schmitt17.167
3548T Hirschman17.174
364J Marquis17.182
3716K Tomlinson17.199
386J Leaty17.264
3944R Ruggiero17.288
403E Beers17.299
412T Szegedy17.306
42023Z Webster25.758
43008J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 89 °F, Southwest 19 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1008J Zolecki16.290
2034T Egg16.376
3023Z Webster16.732
448T Hirschman16.758
5013T Nadz16.801
617B King16.807
79T Phil16.829
814R Bones16.835
994K Miller16.853
1022B Angles16.867
1181B Pack16.921
121Y Smith16.934
1318D Lia16.936
145C Pasteryak16.939
15021T Bear16.940
1615Z Sylvester16.949
1788C Hines16.959
1810E Flemke, Jr.16.962
1926A Jones16.979
2046J Rodrigez16.995
2128J Civali17.004
22061D Hamilton17.010
2316K Tomlinson17.010
246J Leaty17.033
254J Marquis17.041
26001G Slab17.043
2757B Burton Jr.17.055
2838J James17.072
2955B Vance17.123
308T York17.149
3183T Brown17.180
3244R Ruggiero17.238
3336L Miller17.292
3429K Harvick17.307
353E Beers17.364
362T Szegedy17.369
3723M Geralds17.435
3811H Wilkins17.509
3943S Huhn17.681
4069J Miller17.805
4131G Pack18.473
4221J Schmitt18.971
430P Butts24.488

Weather: Clear, 76 °F, Southwest 9 mph

Session: Race


143008J Zolecki106.112254180Running
21110E Flemke, Jr.-3.56250170Running
31729K Harvick-3.66250165Running
41546J Rodrigez-4.14250160Running
5160P Butts-5.78250155Running
62021T Bear-7.49250150Running
71983T Brown-8.25250146Running
845C Pasteryak-8.68250142Running
92431G Pack-8.93250138Running
101257B Burton Jr.-9.63250134Running
11536L Miller-9.65250130Running
122022B Angles-9.99250127Running
13681B Pack-10.68253129Running
142815Z Sylvester-10.70250121Running
1526013T Nadz-11.52250118Running
16386J Leaty-13.27250115Running
171894K Miller-13.95250112Running
181418D Lia-14.67250109Running
19364J Marquis-15.85250106Running
20403E Beers-15.97250103Running
2188T York-1L240100Running
223548T Hirschman-1L24097Running
232114R Bones-1L24094Running
241017B King-1L24091Running
253421J Schmitt-1L24088Running
263311H Wilkins-1L24085Running
273155B Vance-1L24082Running
281343S Huhn-1L24079Running
29412T Szegedy-1L24076Running
303944R Ruggiero-1L24073Running
312569J Miller-1L24070Running
32271Y Smith-1L24067Running
333716K Tomlinson-1L24064Running
34229T Phil-1L24061Running
352988C Hines-1L24058Running
362338J James-2L23055Running
373023M Geralds-3L22052Running
383001G Slab-4L21049Running
39728J Civali-4L21046Running
40926A Jones-4L21043Running
4132061D Hamilton-6L19040Running
421034T Egg-7L1818*47Clutch
4342023Z Webster-14L11034Camshaft

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 75 °F, South 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%




Session: Practice

1008J Zolecki16.473
2023Z Webster16.563
3013T Nadz16.724
4061D Hamilton17.771
557B Burton Jr.18.043
623M Geralds18.151
769J Miller24.751
836T Christopher24.952
98T York25.120
1081B Pack25.212
1118D Lia26.231

Weather: Clear, 70 °F, Northeast 9 mph

Session: Qualifying

1034T Egg16.382
2023Z Webster16.544
3021T Bear16.901
422B Angles16.963
523M Geralds16.976
683T Brown16.988
71B Myers16.993
848T Hirschman16.997
946J Rodrigez17.001
1093S Vivy17.003
1143S Huhn17.016
1244R Ruggiero17.023
1321J Hill17.025
1461A Baker17.061
1514R Bones17.065
1681B Pack17.068
1769J Miller17.080
1829K Harvick17.082
194J Marquis17.083
2036T Christopher17.083
215C Pasteryak17.095
2238J James17.106
2324J McFarland17.119
2416M Stefanik17.124
2510E Flemke, Jr.17.132
262S Huhn17.133
2717B King17.136
2828J Civali17.154
2911H Wilkins17.156
309T Phil17.158
3115L Leeson17.164
328T York17.203
3331G Pack17.234
346J Leaty17.237
3594K Miller17.251
3688C Hines17.298
3707F Fleming17.312
3818D Lia17.312
39061D Hamilton17.399
4057B Burton Jr.17.491
41013T Nadz17.564
42008J Zolecki--
43001G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 70 °F, West 11 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1008J Zolecki16.452
2023Z Webster16.616
3034T Egg16.746
488C Hines16.750
529K Harvick16.776
66J Leaty16.787
7013T Nadz16.811
807F Fleming16.811
946J Rodrigez16.813
1017B King16.813
1128J Civali16.826
121B Myers16.833
1315L Leeson16.851
14061D Hamilton16.853
1536T Christopher16.853
1683T Brown16.864
175C Pasteryak16.865
1894K Miller16.870
19021T Bear16.874
202S Huhn16.887
2110E Flemke, Jr.16.888
2231G Pack16.888
2338J James16.932
2422B Angles16.969
2557B Burton Jr.16.975
2611H Wilkins17.018
2781B Pack17.023
288T York17.033
2923M Geralds17.051
3069J Miller17.078
3116M Stefanik17.156
3221J Hill17.200
33001G Slab17.252
3444R Ruggiero17.355
3543S Huhn17.513
3624J McFarland17.615
379T Phil17.681
3861A Baker17.953
3914R Bones18.687
4048T Hirschman23.916
4118D Lia26.101
4293S Vivy26.515
434J Marquis28.646

Weather: Clear, 75 °F, East 9 mph

Session: Race


142008J Zolecki54.079756180Running
21769J Miller-0.537528*180Running
3683T Brown-1.527514170Running
41034T Egg-1.677519165Running
5523M Geralds-3.14758160Running
61681B Pack-1L740150Running
771B Myers-1L740146Running
8346J Leaty-1L740142Running
93688C Hines-1L740138Running
10848T Hirschman-1L740134Running
111244R Ruggiero-1L740130Running
12328T York-1L740127Running
13215C Pasteryak-1L740124Running
141143S Huhn-1L740121Running
152416M Stefanik-1L740118Running
1641013T Nadz-1L740115Running
171321J Hill-1L740112Running
181461A Baker-2L730109Running
193707F Fleming-2L730106Running
2039061D Hamilton-2L730103Running
214057B Burton Jr.-2L730100Running
223594K Miller-2L73097Running
232911H Wilkins-2L73094Running
24262S Huhn-3L72091Running
253818D Lia-3L72088Running
26946J Rodrigez-7L68085Accident
272036T Christopher-11L64082Retired
282238J James-11L64079Retired
29422B Angles-18L57076Retired
302717B King-19L56073Retired
312828J Civali-19L56070Oil Leak
321829K Harvick-22L53067Retired
33194J Marquis-23L52064Retired
342510E Flemke, Jr.-24L51061Retired
353115L Leeson-46L29058Retired
3643001G Slab-55L20055Accident
372023Z Webster-56L19052Disco
381093S Vivy-61L14049Retired
393331G Pack-61L14046Retired
401514R Bones-61L14043Retired
412324J McFarland-61L14040Accident
423021T Bear-61L14037Accident
43309T Phil-61L14034Accident

Caution Flags: 11 (55 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 74 °F, East 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


17001Speeding in pitsGo to end of longest line
66061Speeding in pitsGo to end of longest line

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