Monday, September 28, 2020

2020-4 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 1: Mission Demo 8

Live Stream:

Race 1:

The opener at 35 laps had no damage and was a very rough ride for many.  While a few human drivers managed to pull out some impressively long runs without getting whacked at the crossover, everyone would experience a heavy impact at least once.  Some drivers resorted to a "killem all" tactic while others like Zolecki, tried to get back on the saddle and ride it out.  He managed a 6th place finish with two other teammates within the top 10.  A solid race for KU2.  But the Buckeyes pulled out a win, despite Jamie's constant leading through much of the second half.

Race 2:

Scot ended up as the second highest placing human of the night with an impressive 7th.  Despite his egregious injuries, he managed to bring it home in one piece.  Darrel's Bulldog's also helped the team by taking the win, increasing their standing in the standings.  An interesting race though as for the second time in the night, an X Factor loomed not far away...

Race 3:

A quick race for many, although surprisingly, not as many as race 2, despite the higher damage level.  Humans suffered more here collectively even though it was the best average finish among all humans at just over a 22nd.  The UCF Knights enjoyed a strong 2nd despite close calls.  However, the Buckeyes and Steelers buoyed the Black Smiths around the top 5, giving them an early, yet tenuous, lead in the points.

While no X Factor made an appearance at the front, it's looking like it's just a matter of time.  And those in first place will have to work extra hard to stay there or risk losing it all.  On to Marty Mo'Ville.

Race 1

Track: Mission Demolition Derby RACEWAY

Date: 09/23/20

Session: Practice

163T Bear33.676
230P Boilermakers33.741
319Z Webster33.796
456M Max33.944
542J Zolecki34.046
611T Longhorns34.051
798N Jets34.063
886T Nadz34.135
98O Sooners34.154
1099D Cowboys34.171
1161A Crimson Tide34.204
1215U Knights34.237
1320B Ravens34.247
1488N Saints34.248
1558P Steelers34.272
161T Aggies34.289
1780D Lions34.315
1827O Ducks34.330
1944N Fighting Irish34.344
2035U Bruins34.347
2126I Hawkeyes34.348
2214U Hurricanes34.358
2385U Trojans34.435
246V Wildcats34.440
2539G Bulldogs34.444
2673T Buccaneers34.462
2747F Gators34.530
2850B Bears34.630
2937P Eagles34.687
3095A Falcons34.712
3152T Titans34.772
322N Cornhuskers34.845
3331O Buckeyes34.954
3425I Hoosiers35.234
3555L Tigers35.474
3634N Giants35.616
3781F Seminoles35.649
3813M Dolphins36.157
3945H Texans36.715
4070P Nittany Lions36.722
4118O Rebels37.427
429C Tigers40.579

Weather: Clear, 95 °F, South 13 mph

Session: Qualifying

111T Longhorns--
273T Buccaneers--
355L Tigers--
413M Dolphins--
581F Seminoles--
626I Hawkeyes--
734N Giants--
847F Gators--
931O Buckeyes--
1014U Hurricanes--
1158P Steelers--
1215U Knights--
1398N Jets--
1435U Bruins--
1552T Titans--
1630P Boilermakers--
176V Wildcats--
1880D Lions--
1939G Bulldogs--
201T Aggies--
2118O Rebels--
2244N Fighting Irish--
2325I Hoosiers--
2470P Nittany Lions--
2545H Texans--
2637P Eagles--
2727O Ducks--
289C Tigers--
2999D Cowboys--
308O Sooners--
3161A Crimson Tide--
3220B Ravens--
3388N Saints--
3450B Bears--
3585U Trojans--
3695A Falcons--
372N Cornhuskers--
3842J Zolecki--
3922T Egg--
4056M Max--
4119Z Webster--
4263T Bear--
4386T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1931O Buckeyes154.9133520*185Running
22999D Cowboys-1L340170Running
33450B Bears-1L341170Running
4201T Aggies-1L340160Running
5289C Tigers-1L340155Running
63842J Zolecki-2L334155Running
7355L Tigers-2L331151Running
82325I Hoosiers-2L330142Running
9581F Seminoles-2L330138Running
101215U Knights-2L330134Running
112244N Fighting Irish-2L330130Running
122727O Ducks-2L330127Running
13413M Dolphins-2L330124Running
141398N Jets-3L320121Running
153695A Falcons-3L320118Running
16273T Buccaneers-3L320115Running
173388N Saints-3L320112Running
181435U Bruins-3L320109Running
19111T Longhorns-3L321111Running
201939G Bulldogs-4L310103Running
214263T Bear-4L310100Running
222470P Nittany Lions-4L31097Running
23176V Wildcats-4L31094Running
242118O Rebels-5L30091DQ
254119Z Webster-5L30088Running
26847F Gators-5L30085Running
273585U Trojans-5L30082Running
281014U Hurricanes-6L29079Running
291630P Boilermakers-6L29076Running
301158P Steelers-6L29878Running
311552T Titans-6L29070Running
324056M Max-7L28067Running
33372N Cornhuskers-7L28064Running
34734N Giants-7L28061Running
35308O Sooners-8L27058Running
363220B Ravens-8L27055Running
37626I Hawkeyes-9L26052Running
383161A Crimson Tide-9L26049Running
394386T Nadz-10L25046Running
402545H Texans-11L24043Accident
413922T Egg-12L23040DQ
422637P Eagles-18L17037Clutch
431880D Lions-26L9034Piston

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 10 (6 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 101 °F, West 11 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


2422Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 89 °F, South 15 mph

Session: Qualifying

126I Hawkeyes--
281F Seminoles--
347F Gators--
418O Rebels--
552T Titans--
611T Longhorns--
734N Giants--
839G Bulldogs--
92N Cornhuskers--
1095A Falcons--
116V Wildcats--
1244N Fighting Irish--
1385U Trojans--
1450B Bears--
159C Tigers--
1698N Jets--
1713M Dolphins--
1830P Boilermakers--
1914U Hurricanes--
208O Sooners--
2161A Crimson Tide--
2215U Knights--
2337P Eagles--
2473T Buccaneers--
2520B Ravens--
2655L Tigers--
2788N Saints--
281T Aggies--
2945H Texans--
3025I Hoosiers--
3180D Lions--
3258P Steelers--
3399D Cowboys--
3435U Bruins--
3531O Buckeyes--
3627O Ducks--
3770P Nittany Lions--
3856M Max--
3919Z Webster--
4022T Egg--
4186T Nadz--
4242J Zolecki--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1839G Bulldogs171.5002510*185Running
2347F Gators-4.31250170Running
31244N Fighting Irish-4.37250165Running
43627O Ducks-11.71250160Running
53258P Steelers-18.68250155Running
62215U Knights-6L190150Running
73856M Max-8L170146Running
8611T Longhorns-9L165147Accident
93399D Cowboys-11L140138Accident
104186T Nadz-13L120134Accident
11281F Seminoles-13L126135Accident
122161A Crimson Tide-13L120127Accident
13734N Giants-13L120124Accident
142788N Saints-14L110121Accident
15208O Sooners-14L110118Accident
162655L Tigers-16L90115Accident
174242J Zolecki-17L80112Accident
183025I Hoosiers-17L80109Accident
191698N Jets-17L80106Accident
2092N Cornhuskers-17L80103Accident
212337P Eagles-19L60100Retired
223770P Nittany Lions-19L6097Accident
232520B Ravens-19L6094Accident
241095A Falcons-19L6091Accident
252473T Buccaneers-20L5088Accident
26418O Rebels-20L5390Accident
27159C Tigers-20L5082Accident
283180D Lions-22L3079Accident
293435U Bruins-22L3076Accident
301914U Hurricanes-22L3073Accident
314022T Egg-23L2070Accident
324363T Bear-23L2067Ignition
331385U Trojans-23L2064Accident
341713M Dolphins-23L2061Accident
35116V Wildcats-23L2058Accident
36552T Titans-23L2055Accident
37126I Hawkeyes-23L2157Accident
383531O Buckeyes-24L1049Accident
39281T Aggies-24L1046Accident
401830P Boilermakers-24L1043Accident
411450B Bears-24L1040Accident
422945H Texans-25L0037Accident
433919Z Webster-25L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 90 °F, Southwest 12 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


363Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 73 °F, South 4 mph

Session: Qualifying

120B Ravens--
280D Lions--
373T Buccaneers--
458P Steelers--
585U Trojans--
611T Longhorns--
79C Tigers--
852T Titans--
918O Rebels--
1031O Buckeyes--
1135U Bruins--
1225I Hoosiers--
1381F Seminoles--
1415U Knights--
1514U Hurricanes--
1647F Gators--
1750B Bears--
1861A Crimson Tide--
1926I Hawkeyes--
2030P Boilermakers--
2145H Texans--
2298N Jets--
2395A Falcons--
2488N Saints--
258O Sooners--
266V Wildcats--
2713M Dolphins--
2839G Bulldogs--
2937P Eagles--
302N Cornhuskers--
311T Aggies--
3244N Fighting Irish--
3370P Nittany Lions--
3434N Giants--
3555L Tigers--
3699D Cowboys--
3727O Ducks--
3822T Egg--
3919Z Webster--
4042J Zolecki--
4186T Nadz--
4263T Bear--
4356M Max--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1280D Lions174.820154180Running
21415U Knights-1.38150170Running
3120B Ravens-3.21154170Running
41031O Buckeyes-4.76150160Running
52937P Eagles-6.04150155Running
6458P Steelers-7.99157*160Running
71647F Gators-11.09150146Running
8918O Rebels-13.93150142Running
91225I Hoosiers-27.97150138Running
103244N Fighting Irish-1L140134Accident
112713M Dolphins-2L130130Running
121514U Hurricanes-2L130127Running
133919Z Webster-2L130124Running
14266V Wildcats-3L120121Accident
151926I Hawkeyes-3L120118Accident
1679C Tigers-3L120115Accident
171861A Crimson Tide-3L120112Accident
18585U Trojans-3L120109Accident
194356M Max-3L120106Running
203822T Egg-3L120103Running
212488N Saints-4L110100Accident
223699D Cowboys-4L11097Accident
232839G Bulldogs-4L11094Accident
243370P Nittany Lions-4L11091Accident
254186T Nadz-4L11088Accident
262395A Falcons-4L11085Running
274042J Zolecki-4L11082Running
28373T Buccaneers-5L10079Accident
29611T Longhorns-6L9076Accident
304263T Bear-10L5073Accident
31302N Cornhuskers-12L3070Accident
32311T Aggies-12L3067Accident
331135U Bruins-13L2064Accident
341381F Seminoles-14L1061Retired
352030P Boilermakers-14L1058Retired
362298N Jets-14L1055Valve
37852T Titans-14L1052Valve
382145H Texans-14L1049Accident
391750B Bears-14L1046Accident
40258O Sooners-15L0043Accident
413434N Giants-15L0040Accident
423555L Tigers-15L0037Retired
433727O Ducks-15L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 65 °F, East 23 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


1356Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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