Wednesday, September 30, 2020

2020-4 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 2: Mr. Norm's Mayhem

Live Stream:

Race 1:

Things kicked off with Mayhem, as expected.  Darrel held the lead for a while as did The Egg.  But misfortune took them both during the race.  Zolecki, a few into his cups, managed to cause some upsets.  As did The Bear who came down and took out his fellow southerner.  Tnadz capitalized on the calamity and shot to a strong first for a win.

Race 2:

Race 2 was at least as violent if not more so with the increase in damage.

Tnadz chased down Zolecki and made a pass under a "truce" with The Bear bringing up the field in 5th.  Hamilton survived in 4th and Know U 2 had Jamie and Zack in 2nd and 3rd respectively.  The battle is now close in points.

Race 3:

The Egg was caught up in an early altercation but managed to barely extract himself from it.

He later came back and blasted into Tnadz, mortally wounding him.

By the end, Tnadz was still rolling the bottom and just had to cross the line.  But he stuck to an invisible fence on the inside of the track where Jamie could come around just after winning and kill his competitor.

Know U 2 now leads going into the first Wildcard Round at Dover Jump.

Race 1

Track: MNorms Mayhem Night

Date: 09/30/20

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 42 °F, East 4 mph

Session: Qualifying

156M Vikings--
245H Texans--
39C Tigers--
437P Eagles--
558P Steelers--
681F Seminoles--
795A Falcons--
850B Bears--
980D Lions--
1047F Gators--
1115U Knights--
1261A Crimson Tide--
1355L Tigers--
1411T Longhorns--
1520B Ravens--
1652T Titans--
171T Aggies--
182N Cornhuskers--
1930P Boilermakers--
2013M Dolphins--
2198N Jets--
2234N Giants--
2373T Buccaneers--
2431O Buckeyes--
258O Sooners--
2670P Nittany Lions--
276V Wildcats--
2826I Hawkeyes--
2935U Bruins--
3088N Saints--
3118O Rebels--
3227O Ducks--
3399D Cowboys--
3425I Hoosiers--
3544N Fighting Irish--
3614U Hurricanes--
3785U Trojans--
3839D Hamilton--
3942J Zolecki--
4022T Egg--
4163T Bear--
4286T Nadz--
4319Z Webster--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14286T Nadz163.2454818*185Running
24022T Egg-6L4214175Running
31930P Boilermakers-6L420165Running
4276V Wildcats-6L420160Running
53544N Fighting Irish-8L400155Running
6156M Vikings-8L402155Running
74319Z Webster-8L400146Running
8182N Cornhuskers-9L390142Running
91047F Gators-11L370138Running
101652T Titans-11L370134Running
112198N Jets-12L360130Running
122013M Dolphins-12L360127Running
13681F Seminoles-12L360124Running
143839D Hamilton-14L348126Running
152826I Hawkeyes-14L340118Running
163425I Hoosiers-14L340115Running
17245H Texans-14L340112Running
183614U Hurricanes-14L340109Running
191115U Knights-15L330106Running
20258O Sooners-15L330103Running
213399D Cowboys-16L320100Running
222431O Buckeyes-16L32097Running
231261A Crimson Tide-17L31094Running
243118O Rebels-17L31091Running
253227O Ducks-18L30088Running
262935U Bruins-18L30085Running
273942J Zolecki-19L29082Running
28437P Eagles-19L29079Running
292373T Buccaneers-19L29076Running
30850B Bears-20L28073Running
31558P Steelers-20L28070Running
32171T Aggies-21L27067Running
332670P Nittany Lions-21L27064Running
344163T Bear-21L27061Running
35795A Falcons-22L26058Running
363785U Trojans-22L26055Running
37980D Lions-24L24052Running
3839C Tigers-25L23654Running
393088N Saints-26L22046Running
402234N Giants-26L22043Running
411355L Tigers-29L19040Running
421411T Longhorns-30L18037Running
431520B Ravens-45L3034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 42 °F, Southwest 1 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


342Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
342Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
2142Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
2142Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 43 °F, South 6 mph

Session: Qualifying

195A Falcons--
22N Cornhuskers--
320B Ravens--
49C Tigers--
585U Trojans--
614U Hurricanes--
730P Boilermakers--
844N Fighting Irish--
947F Gators--
1025I Hoosiers--
1155L Tigers--
1245H Texans--
1361A Crimson Tide--
1431O Buckeyes--
1511T Longhorns--
1634N Giants--
1713M Dolphins--
1881F Seminoles--
1952T Titans--
2099D Cowboys--
2173T Buccaneers--
226V Wildcats--
2398N Jets--
241T Aggies--
2556M Vikings--
2618O Rebels--
2788N Saints--
288O Sooners--
2970P Nittany Lions--
3058P Steelers--
3127O Ducks--
3237P Eagles--
3335U Bruins--
3480D Lions--
3550B Bears--
3615U Knights--
3726I Hawkeyes--
3822T Egg--
3986T Nadz--
4042J Zolecki--
4163T Bear--
4239D Hamilton--
4319Z Webster--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13986T Nadz184.2132410*185Running
24042J Zolecki-1.802410*180Running
34319Z Webster-5.39240165Running
44239D Hamilton-10.13240160Running
54163T Bear-1L230155Running
6288O Sooners-7L171155Tire
73726I Hawkeyes-14L100146Retired
83550B Bears-14L100142Accident
9585U Trojans-15L91143Accident
102398N Jets-16L82139Accident
11320B Ravens-16L80130Accident
122970P Nittany Lions-16L80127Retired
1349C Tigers-17L70124Accident
141952T Titans-17L70121Retired
151361A Crimson Tide-17L70118Running
163615U Knights-19L50115Accident
171025I Hoosiers-19L50112Accident
183822T Egg-20L40109Accident
19614U Hurricanes-20L40106Running
201155L Tigers-21L30103Running
212788N Saints-21L30100Retired
221431O Buckeyes-21L3097Running
232556M Vikings-22L2094Accident
24195A Falcons-22L2091Retired
252173T Buccaneers-23L1088Accident
26844N Fighting Irish-23L1085Accident
27947F Gators-23L1082Retired
28730P Boilermakers-23L1079Retired
292618O Rebels-23L1076Accident
30241T Aggies-23L1073Accident
312099D Cowboys-23L1070Accident
32226V Wildcats-23L1067Accident
331713M Dolphins-23L1064Accident
341881F Seminoles-23L1061Accident
3522N Cornhuskers-23L1058Accident
361511T Longhorns-23L1055Accident
373058P Steelers-24L0052Accident
383127O Ducks-24L0049Accident
393237P Eagles-24L0046Accident
403335U Bruins-24L0043Accident
413480D Lions-24L0040Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 44 °F, Northwest 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 44 °F, East 5 mph

Session: Qualifying

181F Seminoles--
213M Dolphins--
314U Hurricanes--
427O Ducks--
573T Buccaneers--
647F Gators--
734N Giants--
855L Tigers--
935U Bruins--
1085U Trojans--
1111T Longhorns--
1288N Saints--
1370P Nittany Lions--
1461A Crimson Tide--
156V Wildcats--
168O Sooners--
172N Cornhuskers--
1844N Fighting Irish--
1937P Eagles--
2095A Falcons--
2130P Boilermakers--
2250B Bears--
2399D Cowboys--
2456M Vikings--
2520B Ravens--
2645H Texans--
2752T Titans--
2858P Steelers--
2915U Knights--
301T Aggies--
3198N Jets--
329C Tigers--
3331O Buckeyes--
3426I Hawkeyes--
3525I Hoosiers--
3680D Lions--
3718O Rebels--
3822T Egg--
3919Z Webster--
4063T Bear--
4186T Nadz--
4239D Hamilton--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14342J Zolecki178.5912421*185Running
24186T Nadz-12L120170Running
3181F Seminoles-14L102170Retired
4734N Giants-14L100160Retired
53822T Egg-19L50155Accident
62095A Falcons-20L40150Retired
72399D Cowboys-20L40146Accident
81111T Longhorns-20L41147Accident
93331O Buckeyes-20L40138Accident
102250B Bears-21L30134Retired
11301T Aggies-21L30130Accident
12156V Wildcats-21L30127Accident
131844N Fighting Irish-21L30124Accident
143525I Hoosiers-22L20121Accident
151370P Nittany Lions-22L20118Accident
162858P Steelers-22L20115Accident
17855L Tigers-22L20112Accident
183426I Hawkeyes-22L20109Accident
192915U Knights-23L10106Accident
203919Z Webster-23L10103Accident
214063T Bear-23L10100Accident
222645H Texans-23L1097Running
232456M Vikings-23L1094Accident
241461A Crimson Tide-23L1091Accident
251288N Saints-23L1088Accident
261937P Eagles-23L1085Accident
271085U Trojans-23L1082Accident
282130P Boilermakers-23L1079Accident
292520B Ravens-23L1076Accident
30172N Cornhuskers-23L1073Accident
31168O Sooners-23L1070Accident
32427O Ducks-23L1067Accident
33213M Dolphins-24L0064Running
34935U Bruins-24L0061Retired
352752T Titans-24L0058Running
363680D Lions-24L0055Retired
373718O Rebels-24L0052Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 45 °F, North 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


339Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
339Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended
339Unsafe pit exitStop and go
622Dropping FluidPit for repairs

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